Lighting cycles and watering question


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone! Starting my first grow here as soon as the seeds arrive. I've been waiting and doing research on this project for about 4 months now and in my research i couldnt ever find the answer to my question. Does it matter when you water yer plants with the lights on or off? or does that not matter? I know yer suppose to water them as needed, which is different for every grow room, but i was just wondering if there is a benifit to planning yer watering schedule according to when the lights would be on or off.

Thanks in advance for any help!


Well-Known Member
dont really matter that much. watering when lights on may cause the top soil dry out quicker ...thats about it.
oh yeah, dont spray your plants when lights on though. it may cause burns


If your relative humidity is high, and especially during the final weeks of flowering, it may help to water near the beginning of lights on. This will help to prevent things like powdery mildew, botrytis and other nasty molds/fungus.


Well-Known Member
If your relative humidity is high, and especially during the final weeks of flowering, it may help to water near the beginning of lights on. This will help to prevent things like powdery mildew, botrytis and other nasty molds/fungus.
I guess thats pretty smart, ill plan on setting it up that way, just getting excited and wanna make sure everything goes according to plan hehe, thanks!

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Hey bro here is what i have learned. You will need to water your plants when the lights are on! If not you will let light in on their dark cycle and that is not a good idea. You can also spray your plants when the lights are on! Nothing wrong with it at all! I read before that sparying them with lights on can burn them, I do it all the time and have NO problems at all. Remember to use a good soil, I reccomend Fox Farms Ocean Forest! I use that soil from seed all the way through and also I would tell you to use the Fox Farm Ferts also because they are desighned to work with their soil and they have a very easy to follow Feeding schedule. Start out with 1/4 reccomended ferts and go up from there untill you find out what your plants can take.

Keep it simple untill you get growing down then try fucking around and experimenting. Also I can't stress it enough that the PH of your water is one of the most important things! Also the FFOF soil self PH's to 7.0 so that is a good beginer soil! If you look at the price of the soil it is worth it, you can go cheap and save yourself $10 on cheap soil but when your plants start having problems due to shitty soil you will end up spending $50 trying to figure out what is wrong!

Sorry for rambeling! LOL GL with your grow! ;)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info Mr stern! (Loved yer show by the way! lol) But ya, im going with a different soil, i heard about fox farms ocean forest and i might try that next but im gonna try out the fox farms light warrior soil, everybody i talked to swears by it lol. Other than this question i asked im pretty set tho, got my PH testing kit, timers, 1000w hps and MH light etc, etc .... Hopefully all goes well. Thanks again tho Howie and thanks for the spraying tip, was kinda wondering about that after the dude up there said that. But ill keep my grow posted in this thread once we get going here in about a week or so.