lighting durring flowering

i had a issue preflower my landlord had a home inspection from the city so my paranoid gf asked me to put them in the attic and tear down my setup the night before my attic is completely dark and i had to work the next day well i talked to some friends about it thay said go for it worst case is hermy iv been a grower for about 10 years off and on its not my first rodieo my first without partners i guess iwas just scared but i did it so wouldent u know the fucking inspector coped out until two dys latter so there i was rock - hard place i just left them there three nights and days completely dark but i pulled them out thay were better than when i put them up there hairs poping out everywhere now about four weeks latter i have a nother tactic i want to tell u all about i call it the threat
there are two parts to the threat nutes and lighting here is nutes i was talking with a veteran grower at work one day and he told me when i flush the nutes out of the soil it threatens the plant and makes her flower faster so i used what little brains i think i have left and this is what i got i flush once a week and feed 2 days latter or when its kinda dry finger tip deep now the threat is i also cut back the nutes every week little by little she wont be on nothing but water and molasses almst there by the 7th week i predict this is working great so far thay are wicking the water from the flush almost immediately 2 days and verry nice size buds
ok now lighting after the scary shit with the attic i put them on 12-12 then i was reading about flowering and someone said if u turn ur lights off completely for the last two weeks of flowering ur girls will produce more crystals to protect the flowers we all love them crystals yum yum so my little brain started again i decided to turn the lights back a hour a week until i have two hours left or when her pitsals are 75% amber i will shut lights off completely for two weeks or three i will push it as long as i can


Well-Known Member
wow 2 or 3 weeks seems pretty extreme to me. how do you expect your plant to produce energy to make those crystals. someone prolly got weeks messed up with days. the last 2-3 days sounds more like it. do you think a plant can survive 3 weeks with no light. it would be a cool expierament though. let one sit in darkness for 3 weeks and do the other for 3 days and see wich one has more crystals. that would be cool. got any pics? check out my grow in the my signature.
i read this on the nirvana white widow info page check it out i only have one pic from vegg in the group pics at tube floros check it out she was only three weeks old my old lady is one of those paranoid girls im lucky to be growing i am at 8 hours of light now i think she is producing enough crystals for me im going to hold off untill last 2 weeks then we will see in the meen time i will work on them pics


Well-Known Member
your dark period before flower won't hurt them... some people do a 24-36 hour dark period before flower to jump start the flowering process. Now what you're saying about dark for 2 weeks before the end of flower... you have that mixed up with watering. You aren't suppose to water the last 2 weeks... this stresses the plant and makes it create more crystals. You can go 24-48 hours at the end... but no way 2 weeks... your plant will be dead and the buds will be molded after 2 weeks.
read the info at nirvana white widow im not saying you are wrong u think i wrote something so crazy without expecting criticism it actually fuels me to do it thank you plus i trust the words of nirvana a breader trusted by many even seed banks
im sorry i just retracted my steps and fond out the info was on attitude under ww nirvana but its there i wasent seeing shit mabie my bag seed strain will take it mabie not my gf is charging batteries to her camera then u will see some pics then i will try to update every week