lighting for 6 autos?

i have 6 easyryder autos under a 90w UFO LED and 150w HPS. will this be enough light to veg and flower? i can add more lights if need be. i know more light is always better but how will my girls do under the present conditions?

thanks for help!


You'll want a bare minimum of 50w per sq ft. So if you have 6 plants in a.. 2'x1.5' area you'll be fine. I would personally add some cfls or upgrade if you can


Well-Known Member
About how many sq ft are you growing these 6 plants in? I figure 1 sq ft per plant 6 sq ft. 25W/sq ft hid X 6 = 150W, that's really about as low as you would want to go. I don't know enough about LED to comment but, good luck.


Active Member
Yeah your good, You dont need to add any cfls. Your plants might get a little tight in there though bro. Also, do you have ventilation in there? If not you might to make your own co2 generator. There are many guides for homemade co2 generators on this site. If you dont already you might want to get a fan to blow air in there, to strengthen the stems and for fresh air.
Yeah your good, You dont need to add any cfls. Your plants might get a little tight in there though bro. Also, do you have ventilation in there? If not you might to make your own co2 generator. There are many guides for homemade co2 generators on this site. If you dont already you might want to get a fan to blow air in there, to strengthen the stems and for fresh air.
hopefully they wont be too crowded in there. the grow is staggered with 3 plants started 2 weeks after the first batch of 3 plants

maybe it would help if i shared my grow journal>>>>>

i have a sizeable passive intake and a 160cfm exhaust fan w/ carbon filter. i have a couple small fans in the box for circulation and to strengthen stems.

i have considered a homemade co2 generator but was worried it would be too complicated (if you put too much co2, they die?). what are the benefits of having co2? i tend to my garden 3 times a day i would say at least. would my own exhalation generate enough co2 for th 6 dwarfs?

help much appreciated!