Lighting from Vegatative -> Pre-flowering


Hi all,

A quick question regarding the transition from veg to pre-flowering. I'm growing autos, first time and on day 32.

Using a migro array 4 (full spec) in a 4x2 tent and wondering if I need to change the light strength or distance now?

Thank you for any input, much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

A quick question regarding the transition from veg to pre-flowering. I'm growing autos, first time and on day 32.

Using a migro array 4 (full spec) in a 4x2 tent and wondering if I need to change the light strength or distance now?

Thank you for any input, much appreciated.
Do you have a light meter or something to monitor the levels? I usually left them the same as veg levels for the first couple weeks and then would start dialing it up like 15-20% for each week until I maxed out the light or I saw signs of light stress. With photo period plants you cut the light hours at flip so the DLI would go down. Then it's a good idea to increase the amount of light to an equivalent DLI and work your way up to the highest setting they will tolerate.


Do you have a light meter or something to monitor the levels? I usually left them the same as veg levels for the first couple weeks and then would start dialing it up like 15-20% for each week until I maxed out the light or I saw signs of light stress. With photo period plants you cut the light hours at flip so the DLI would go down. Then it's a good idea to increase the amount of light to an equivalent DLI and work your way up to the highest setting they will tolerate.
Thank you for the reply,

I just use the photone app. They're current DLI is just above 20, lights are at 60%, hanging 14" above the canopy.
I'm starting to see light green around what I assume are the flowers, don't think there is any light stress at present.


Should mention that the plant on bottom left is 9 days behind the others, the tap root was very weird and slow to germinate but just planted regardless to see how it turns out. Not too fussed about it as I am just interested to see what happens with it.


They look great. Hope they give you some great flowers.
Great to hear ;). I have raised the light to 22" just now and up to 80%, DLI is around 22 at that, I assume it will prob encourage them to stretch towards the light.

I'm really hoping for a half decent result on this grow, I really need it for a back injury.. 2yrs of non-stop opioids & opiates (prescribed) are killing me slowly and I don't ever sleep more than around 4hrs per night. Completely new to growing so it's a very steep learning curve for me.
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Well-Known Member
Great to hear ;). I have raised the light to 22" just now and up to 80%, DLI is around 22 at that, I assume it will prob encourage them to stretch towards the light.

I'm really hoping for a half decent result on this grow, I really need it for a back injury.. 2yrs of non-stop opioids & opiates (prescribed) are killing me slowly and I don't ever sleep more than around 4hrs per night. Completely new to growing so it's a very steep learning curve for me.
I switched from hydrocodone, morphine and tramadol to cannabis a few years back and got off all the pain meds the VA docs had me on. Look for heavy indicas to give you the best pain relief. It's not as strong as opiods but once you're off them you will be able to function better with cannabis. Kush strains have been good for sleep help. Do you have a decent collection of seeds to sort through? If you need some seeds for pain, DM me and I'll hook you up with some good seeds to run. I like taking tincture as opposed to smoking for lasting pain relief. Look up Green Dragon tincture on Google and see if you can get into that. Hope you find some good strains to help. Chronic back pain is a real bitch.