lighting/heating questions


Ok bare with me here as I try to explain this. I live in a pretty northern part of Canada and its cold as fuck here in the winter. I had a hypothetical idea to grow in a shed, Now the issue is heat because in the winter we hit a nice -45°C (-49°F for you pansies. jk) and that would kill the shit out of my plants. I know if I insulate it and put a small propane furnace it would keep it warm enough.

Obviously I would not have too much worry about my shed becoming too warm as much as I would it being too cold. So I would not evacuate the air from around my lights to keep the room cool. I instead would use the heat from this light to help heat the shed lowering my propane cost.

The question I had was if I was to bring in fresh outside air into the room. The air would travel via exhaust fan and ducting. The ducting would go to each light to keep it cool. (Yes I know this contradicts what I was saying before but just keep reading) The lights would heat the air to closer to room temperature so less of a shock to my plants when it does come into the room.
So instead of:

do its like this

Yes i am aware i would still have install an exaust to blow from inside outside.

So what I’m asking is,
- Do lights run better if cooled at all?
- Would it even change the Temp enough by the time it got there? [keep in mind its not always -45°C(-49°F) its only there gets there maybe 3 or 4 weeks a year. But it is still decently cold. often only -10° to -5°]
- Would it even be worth the fuck around of hooking it up like that?
- Is freash air all that important?

Ill happily clear up any questions or misunderstandings.
Sorry if it’s been asked before, and my bad that its long.
Thanks :joint:

