Lighting Help


Active Member
this is my baby now... it seems a bit small for almost 4 weeks. well 4 weeks basically. Could anyone tell me why there is brown/purply color in the center? i dont know if you can see in the pic i tried to get the best one i could. Would it be high nitrogen levels? cold climate? Nutrient defect? the leafs are fine and have no defects so im more leaning towards a climate issue. The stem is slightly purple to in some areas. Again thanks for your help guys & girls. appreciated much :) and also can someone tell me what size pot i need? is this pot ok for the next 2 weeks? its just a noodle cup looool :D seems to be working though?



New Member
1. It seems really small for a 4week old
2.The stem seems fine to me
3. the cup seems the right size for a few weeks if thats how slow your plant is, but i think you should give it more room as soon as it starts getting significatly bigger


Well-Known Member
Something is wrong!! That plant should be way, way, way bigger lol. Not sure what it is though. Temps?


Active Member
Alright guys iv got a new pot for it and some decent soil. I uad to by a pot with a plant already in it cause of my dad. It was a davallia plant type of fern but i threw it out and put my weed plant in it. Iv taken off the very very first set of leaves. Hopefully in a few days it should become used to its new soil and roots get used to being transplanted. for like a 5th time lol. No wonder its going slow. i was wondering if you guys think i should just sprout a new seed and try again? and if i did that, is there a way to tell if it would be a good grower? do sprouts with bigger root tap generally mean bigger faster grower? IMG_20141116_141550.jpg


Active Member
i FIMmed her??? not sure if u should have. she 18/6 for the first two weeks, then 12/12 for the last 3 days. Fimmed yesterday. 12/12 should be an issue for that right? since its not flowering