Lighting: Home Depot vs. Hydroponics Store

So a friend of mine is looking to set something up in her basement. She has a root/canning closet that was built in before she bought the house, and it seems like something that could be outfitted to support a grow setup. She isn't entirely sure where to begin this whole process, so expect me to ask more questions in the future to help her out :)

She is pretty sure a good first step would be lighting. She went onto a local hydro website, and found that some of those lights could get quite pricey. She doesn't want to go with HPS because of heat, electricity, etc, and so she looked at LED's, but those are also expensive.

However, Home Depot carries plant light fixtures that are more economical, but they're CFL. One of the fixtures outputs around 6500k full spectrum.

She is wondering if this is adequate for a grow setup.
Are CFL's a good bet? Or would HPS and LED be a better route?
What are the advantages/disadvantages?

Does some lighting work better for some strains, but not as well for others? Or is it a one-size-fits-all regardless of strain?

I'm new to the site and this whole thing in general, so apologies if this has been asked a million times.


Active Member
Cfls can work great, if you check out the cfl forum there's lots of info but I'll link a couple threads to get you started :) they have 300w replacement bulbs that work great in flowering at home depot, they're about 15 bucks each and 1-2 can cover a medium sized plant with some training or a lil side lighting.
You could also check out my grow to see a little of what cfls can do ( I haven't got my setup completely honed in yet though.

Heres some others that look nice:
Oh hey, thank you muchly for the response. I clicked on your grow link (and will be checking out the other links, and thank you for those). It looks like you have a power strip with lights plugged right into them...that seems nifty, and also a space saver. Is that the only lighting you're using?


Active Member
Yeah those are all the lights I'm using ATM I've had 2-3 other grows under less lights that got me about 6oz total? You can surely expand more than I have using vanity lights and splitters and such just make sure to use a higher voltage timer of you add a ton of lights
just don't cry when you need something that you can only get from your local hydro store and there not there because you bought all your junk at HD.


Well-Known Member
So a friend of mine is looking to set something up in her basement. She has a root/canning closet that was built in before she bought the house, and it seems like something that could be outfitted to support a grow setup. She isn't entirely sure where to begin this whole process, so expect me to ask more questions in the future to help her out :)

She is pretty sure a good first step would be lighting. She went onto a local hydro website, and found that some of those lights could get quite pricey. She doesn't want to go with HPS because of heat, electricity, etc, and so she looked at LED's, but those are also expensive.

However, Home Depot carries plant light fixtures that are more economical, but they're CFL. One of the fixtures outputs around 6500k full spectrum.

She is wondering if this is adequate for a grow setup.
Are CFL's a good bet? Or would HPS and LED be a better route?
What are the advantages/disadvantages?

Does some lighting work better for some strains, but not as well for others? Or is it a one-size-fits-all regardless of strain?

I'm new to the site and this whole thing in general, so apologies if this has been asked a million times.
First step is ventilation. The next thing, in an area like that, is ventilation. After those 2 steps start thinking lights and coverage. Indicas use less light - opt for one or two strains of indicas. But before you break out the jars and the Zig Zags, with any kind of 100 watt bulb, leave a light on in the space and a thermometer (the one you're going to buy for your grow room anyway). If the temp, without big fluorescents or HID is 60 or higher, forget it. Add lights, blowers, stealth tactics - too hot.


Well-Known Member
just don't cry when you need something that you can only get from your local hydro store and there not there because you bought all your junk at HD.
A-FRIGGING-GREED! I have owned 2 Harley shops. Aholes buy their scooter and their parts and service at the dealer and then, when the dealer is closed or the run is on they come to you. I did the work - for twice the price. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHOPS!!!!!!!! Don't get me wrong. I go to Lowes and HD. But I also spread my money around. I'm no stranger in our local hardware store that's for sure. As well as the garden/grow shops in Alaska that are all locally owned and operated. By my neighbors and my coworkers husbands and so on.



Well-Known Member
Yeah.....You might want to get a door you can cut some holes into so you can get the proper ventilation in there. also a squirrel cage fan wouldn't hurt.....some oscillating fans......and once you have everything setup you are gonna want to run it for 24-72 hours without plants just to make sure you have your ventilation/temps in check.


Well-Known Member
Not everybody has a hydro store where they live, and most seem overpriced anyways.
Overpriced? Yep. If ridiculous then walk away. But consider this - if NOBODY buys from these folks and they can't keep the doors open you will HAVE to order online. I am in Alaska and live by ordering. Trust me. But on Sunday when I need neoprene collars to finish up an aero-cloner I built I don't want to wait 7-10 days. Your order time is doubtless shorter in the Lower 48 if you're in the US. Unless you never need a single thing locally . . . . ..


Active Member
Overpriced? Yep. If ridiculous then walk away. But consider this - if NOBODY buys from these folks and they can't keep the doors open you will HAVE to order online. I am in Alaska and live by ordering. Trust me. But on Sunday when I need neoprene collars to finish up an aero-cloner I built I don't want to wait 7-10 days. Your order time is doubtless shorter in the Lower 48 if you're in the US. Unless you never need a single thing locally . . . . ..
I know right? I get stuff from Home Depot all the time.. But when I am serious, I go to the hydro store. They have the answers I wan't without being obvious. Listen people.. When it comes to expertise... The Hydro knows.. A LOT!!


Well-Known Member
just know what you need first, before going in a hydro store.Most love selling to noobs, so they can sell you, bs stuff you really don't need
They would even sell a grow room jukebox if people would buy them......I could just see it now
"Yeah bro. MJ plants love Cher......I'm telling you. It will increase your yield by 314%......Trust me."
That's what the internet is for
someone stated above, they don't want to wait 10 days for neoprene collars. Not ALL hydro stores are out to get you. If you form a tight relationship with the store, you might find it has some benefits. I know my customers feel that way.