lighting... i dont have the cash for a ballast...


i would like to flower my plants, ive been using a hydrofarm T5 bulb for vegatative growth. the problem is that i dont want to spend all the cash on a ballast for an h.p.s or metal halide so what is the best alternative?


Well-Known Member
if u cannot afford a hps or MH then your only other option is LED or flourecents ... cfls u will need should be around the 2700kelvins mark


Well-Known Member

Have you checked out htg supply ( ? You can get a 400w HID with choice of MH or HPS bulb for about $120 from them. Not sure what your finances will afford, but just wanted to point out that you can get an HID without spending the $250+ that most places try to charge. If that's out of your price range then your options are limited to putting flowering bulbs in your t5 and adding as much supplementary light as you can manage.


Well-Known Member
yeah that other guy said, get flowering bulbs for your T5, and a few cfl's warm white, and something below 3000 kelvin...i know how you feel man, an hps or mh is way out of my budget too, but u can still get a decent amount of bud outta dis'!

good luck!
I couldn't afford the HID lights i went out and found some that were being used to illuminate a buisness' sign. I waited until about 2 am and went there, unscrewed them from the pipes that went to the ground, threw a towel over it (to keep sparks from burning me), and cut the 2 wires. Came home, cut up some orange extension cords and wired them up!!! rather than spending money on lights myself, i let someone else buy them and then ripped them off! message me if you need help doing this or have any questions.


Well-Known Member
I couldn't afford the HID lights i went out and found some that were being used to illuminate a buisness' sign. I waited until about 2 am and went there, unscrewed them from the pipes that went to the ground, threw a towel over it (to keep sparks from burning me), and cut the 2 wires. Came home, cut up some orange extension cords and wired them up!!! rather than spending money on lights myself, i let someone else buy them and then ripped them off! message me if you need help doing this or have any questions.
kudo's for thinking of that , but if anyone is growing doing stuff like that just isnt worth it..


I couldn't afford the HID lights i went out and found some that were being used to illuminate a buisness' sign. I waited until about 2 am and went there, unscrewed them from the pipes that went to the ground, threw a towel over it (to keep sparks from burning me), and cut the 2 wires. Came home, cut up some orange extension cords and wired them up!!! rather than spending money on lights myself, i let someone else buy them and then ripped them off! message me if you need help doing this or have any questions.
When people do things like this it makes us all look bad :-(

I know exactly what it's like to not have a lot of money, I'm in college...but if you're truly unable to afford a lighting system for your plants maybe you shouldn't be growing them. Having the general public associate marijuana users and growers with stealing is very detrimental to our cause.