Lighting/Indoor Growing Question


Active Member
Is there any real benefit to rotating you plants 1/4 turn or 1/2 everyday in an indoor grow? I use a tent with that reflective material but i've read that turning the pots every day will insure that more of the plant gets even exposure to light. Should i bother doing this in a tent?

does anyone here bother to do this?


Well-Known Member
i do turn my pot or u could move them around to a new spot this is y. The natural sun moves through the sky so in trying to repilcate a natural enviorment the light exposure need to be even let ur plants stay in the same spote for a while and u will see the growth start to be uneven su unless ur using a 1000w or 600w the penitration will be weak on the but in some cases the shded side trys to compeat for more light so it will stretch to get it


Well-Known Member
noon, on a sunny day in San good enough for mine. besides, as my name implies........its impossible to move mine:)


Active Member
IMO it makes a difference specially if they are not directly under the light they stretch towards the light.


Well-Known Member
under a simulated noontime sunny i'm just sayin'........that's what an indoor grown is like. sun overhead, perfect temps, perfect humidity. i never saw the purpose in moving plants for light purposes.


Active Member
i suppose there is some sense to rotating. I'm using 1 - 1000w HPS in a 4x4 area and light penetration is good through the canopy but i think i should have pruned more because smaller flower sights inside these bushes are definitely not going to fill in...

well its my first indoor grow...not perfect but something to show for :)



Well-Known Member
WOW 1000w in a 4x4 u must have a aircooled hood and vent fans if not what are ur temps? and also what week of flowering are those in they look outstanding


Active Member
right an air cooled hood; right now things are around 70F and about 50%RH. This is the end of week 5. I use one inline fan to push filtered air into my tent so this is my only source for fresh air while the light provides a little warmth. I keep of the bottom vents open for passive air exchange. my tent balloons a little but lets me know air is moving in garage is on the cool side


New Member
I always rotate my plants around the room. It helps when the plants receive light from different angles. I believe it gives a more even growth pattern and also if a plant is stationary then there may be certain bud sites that aren't getting the full amount of light. I wouldn't say you need to do it everyday though. Once every 2-3 days is fine.