Lighting problem please help


Active Member
Hello. I just bought a 400watt HPS sodium light but there is a problem. I had my plant under a floresent grow light for some time now. My Plant has gottn' over a foot high so I decided to buy high pressure sodium light.

I have had the light for one day and I set up the light up about 2 feet away from the plant and I left it on over night. I woke up and noticed my plant's leaves are a dropping down like they are not getting any light. I dunno what the problem is becuase I would assume the light is working. Please if anyone has any ideas as to what i could do, please reply. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Not enough light is probably not the problem. Too much light, heat, and evaporation may be. If you're in soil check to see if dry. If in hydro, move the light farther away and watch the room temp. Make sure your water is circulating.


Active Member
Thanks Herbose. My plant is in soil btw. I noticed that the soil was allot dryer than usual. I'm thinking that it is heat stress so I will make a few adjustments and see what happens. Thanks again.


Active Member
I've been checking on my situation and I've moved the light further away and I put a fan in there to move the air more. I'm noticing that my closet temp is about 85-90 degrees most of the time. So I only run the light when it gets into the 80's in there. I don't let it go above 90 w/ the light on.

The thing I don't understand is sometime I will see if my plant can take the light and for some reason it just droops down in about 30 minutes of it being on. I dunno if it's because the light is too bright or if it's just a heat problem. If someone could please give me a few ideas or solutions maybe diagnose what is wrong that would be nice. Thanks allot.


Well-Known Member
its to hot give it some watter and plenty of air movement . get the temps back down around 80 . i have read that if the temps go much above 85 the plant will stop or slow way down on growth and begin to protect its self.
i was having some growth problems for about two weeks do to the temps being around 90 i dropped my temps and the growth picked back up .


Well-Known Member
i dont think there such thing as too much light :confused:. droopy leaves are cause by overwater, underwater, or heat stress. since it only droop down wen the lights on then it probably heat stress. try facing the fan blowing at the light and fill up three 2liter bottles with water and freeze it. each bottle should last 6hrs that should be enough for an 18/6 cycle.


Active Member
Hello and thanks for the replies. I have another question about the light because it is so warm I think if i move my plant away more from the light it could help also but I was wondering how far away it could be and still get good light.
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satman rocks

Well-Known Member
Watch your plant...when the light first comes on,it starts pulling water and sugars from those big leaves...they will droop....fresh air will help a you have fans? it hot at the top of the plant from the light?


Active Member
Thanks for the reply Satman. My set up is my closet w/ very small space at the moment. I do have a fan near the plant pointing towards the light with a frozen two liter bottle near the fan and the plant. I put my hand under the light and it doesn't burn my hand it does get warmer though. I've made some changes and my plant's leaves aren't dropping down anymore when I turn on the HPS but the room temp still gets high.

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
you need some cooler least some exhaust to get rid of heat from the light...I have plants within 8 inches of my hps right now,but I am using a sealed hood with a good fan pulling the heat out...btw,I use a 400 too