Lighting problems and heat


Well-Known Member
I'm growing in an area 2'x3.5'x5.5' I'm using a 400w hps and I have 2 small 3" fans on my plants and 12" fan mounted over my lamp to pull hot air out of my grow room .I'm using a DWC system . But for some reason I cant get the temp below 85 . I'm also constantly have to adjust my ph but I figured this is normal .I just seen a 250w LED grow light that helps reduse heat and cut back on elec. drain . Not sure if thier any good though. Any help would be great . Thanx


Well-Known Member
i have 2 fans ( intake ) blow upward at the light and one above the light blowing away from it . the top of my grow area is open . I have built my grow room in a hugh walk in closet and leave the closet door open for venting


Well-Known Member
Is it bad if you discover a lump on your balls?:finger:
not sure what your problem is but mmmk

anyways, get some box fans cheap ones from walmart will do. 3 inch fans only move a tiny tiny amount of air. Think of a computer I have 8 in mine and it still gets hot. Dont get the led growlight not worth the price for those at all I found out that mistake when I got a ufo led growlight. All in all just get some more fans till it feels like a wind tunnel comeing out the top of your grow room. I use a squirrel cage and 3 box fans for my area and it stays 71-75 and im using 2 600w hps and im in a 8 by 10 growroom.


Well-Known Member
Thanx Zhu I think I will . I have an old squirrel cage in my shed from an old ac unit maybe this will work