Lighting Question HELP!!!


Well-Known Member
I live in Wv and right now we have 37 inches of snow and our power has been going on and off and my plants have not been geting full 12/12 the times been all fucked up i have a timer to make sure they are 12/12 but it doesnt work when the power flickers they turn off so i have been haveing some power problems my girl is about 2 weeks 5 days into flowering ill post picks tomarow when the lights are on is this going to affect them? i hope not! plz say my girl is gonna be ok!


Active Member
Should be ok, it may slow them a little, but more dark than 12 hours shouldnt do too much. just make sure you are on it from now on. if this is a regular occurrence, you may have some issues later.


Well-Known Member
that scares me this storm isnt sopost to pass anytime soon if the power goes out could i put her in light through a window?