my gro room is 2'w x 2'L x 2' h (extendable to 4 ft in height)if im going to use cfls what is the proper way to place light bulbs for flowering to get maximum or proper lighting i am also using mylar on the walls...i have limited space and budget i am growing two plants ..hope someone can help anybody?
If your budget allows it, you may want to consider a T5 HO system, 2' x 2' x 4' is ideally a job for a 2' eight tube T5 HO fixture.(Usually the 2 T5HO fixture is 24" Sqr, or slightly less, the perfect size for your situation) You could always buy a 2' four tube T5 HO light, or 2' six lamp fixture, then buy another one down the road.
You know if I were on a tight budget, for two plants in a 2' x 2' x 4', space, you could get away with a 2' TT55 fluorescent fixture. the cheaper ones are about $
69 A
better quality one is double that.
....Or you could just use CFL's if you budget is uber tight