lighting question


Active Member
i have 538 watts in a 2x2 area, will this be adequate lighting?

i have 400w hps agromax bulb, 2 43w 2700k CFLs, and 2 26w 2700k CFLs.

I use the CFLs as lower lighting, and I have 2 autos, 2 dna hashplant haze, 1 mandala ganesh, 1 random bagseed, and 1 bubba kush direcly underneath the hps.

i have the hps approximately ~12 inches from the tops of plants.

just looking for opinions about this lighting setup, and if anyone thinks it will be a good yield producer.



Well-Known Member
you've got somewhere close to 10,000 lumens per square foot which is plenty for an excellent grow

Illegal Smile

7 plants in 4 sq feet will be crowded. You are planning to keep these small plants? BTW I think that is overkill on the lighting but if you can keep the heat down fine.


Well-Known Member
I think your light wattage is enough for 2x2 ft area but it's gonna get cramped with that many plants.

I have a 4x4 ft area and can hardly fit 4 plants in there under a 600w light. But I let my plants bush out and don't tie down or anything so with some work you may be able to fit them in there but.... good luck!


Active Member
yeah i practice LST and fimming religiously. I have 2 in seperate 5 gallon pots, and the rest are in 1 gallon jugs. temps are kept at 77F during lights on and 69F during lights off. its not too crowded, I have some plants trained the the side so I could rest the 1 gallon jugs on the top of the pots in the open space. kinda like playing real life tetris, and it also keeps all the tops of the plants at an even 8-12 inches away from the light. might add a screen and do a scrog, I also have a big piece of glass I could use for heat absorption.

my room is in a small closet, with a fan blowing up towards the tops of the plants and the hps. during lights on I keep the door cracked so fresh air can be sucked in.

i usually veg my plants for 2-6 weeks, and with lst/fim they usually end up finishing ~18 inches.