Lighting Question...


Active Member
well i have 2 1000 watt hps in a 60 inch cool tube.. in a 10 x 8 x 7tall room.. im thinking about adding like 5-10 2 bulb 4 ft flourecent tubes.. so anywere from 10-20 more tubes.. just because i have plants that are almost 5 feet tall.. so i trained them to be bushy. but id like to get a little more out of the side nugs instead of a ton of popcorn buds.. do u think 10-20 bulbs will have a big affect on the yield or am i wasting my time.. and energy


bud bootlegger
well how many plants are you growing under the two 1k bulbs total?? that info would definitely help me come out with an asnwer for you..


Well-Known Member
I would say your wasting time and energy. The 1k will out shine the florescent bulbs and besides that the florescent will not help your pop corn buds get any bigger or tighter, maybe a little more trichs.


Active Member
have 10 plants 4 feet tall.. and 5 plants 2.5 feet tall.. just wanted to add some extra light for the sides of the plants... i have a friend who owns a hydro store and he was saying its deff worth it ill get a bigger harvest..