Lighting Question


Active Member
Im using CFLs. The Aerogarden has 1 light putting out 1450 lumens. I have 2 units so I added the hood from 2nd unit to double light. I also tossed in a Soft White CFL for shits and giggles (1600 lumens).
Now that Im starting to get preflowers would it be a good idea to switch out the Soft White with a Daylight CFL?

Only growing 1 plant in an Aerogarden 3.


Active Member
Is this an autoflower or not? Whats your lighting schedule?
Where is your aerogarden located?
You want 6250k for Veg
and 2500-3200k for flower
unless you are growing an autoflower and then i would just go with the 6500k and an 18/6 light schedule.
the more light the better the yield. Dont go by the soft white or day light b.s.
important safety tip: once plant starts to flower make sure you dont get any light leaks or go in the grow area when lights off. You want total darkness.
you must have some dwarf plant to grow in a 20" high space... my plants are usually over 30"h and nearly as wide.


Active Member
AG is located in the closet under the stairs. I started this plant 12/12 from seed. Not sure if its autoflower but I think so, I had a delivery service bring me an 1/8 of GIRL SCOUT COOKIES and when I broke into the nicest looking bud a beautiful seed pooped out, so, about a month later I tossed it in my Aerogarden and 100_3685.jpg viola.


Active Member
I dont see anything that says it is an autoflower on the internet. Just to be safe I would flip to 12/12 lighting schedule and go to all 2650-2700k bulbs.
Your seed came from a hermie so that is likely what you will get. My first plant hermied on me but the smoke was still decent even though i harvested it early so it didnt pollinate anything else. keep it totally dark in the "off" cycle of lighting and dont open the door at all. I still dont think you will have room in a 20" high Aerogarden, but you can see what happens. Good luck!