Lighting question

Hello everyone.

What is the most efficient way to light a 2x2 area? And what is the most efficient way to light a 2x4 area?

The grow style would be SOG on 2 2x2 trays and one 2x4 trays. Maybe two 250w hps for the 2x2 trays and one 400w for the 2x4 tray would be the most efficient. Heat would not be an issue.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Personally I would opt for one 600 for the larger grow and one 400 for the smaller. Your yield will make it worth it. Rectangular air cooled hood for the 2' X 4" suggested for light throw pattern and cooler canopy.


Well-Known Member
MH/HPS... seriously? Wake up and smell the new tech

I have 2 @ 2x4 tents, one with HOT5 the other with ~ 120 led watts
Click on my sig to see them in action. No heat to remove, a lot less electricity wasted and great Fn results


Well-Known Member
agree with the LED if you have the money for it. the low heat is very convienant in a small space, im using 2 180w leds in a 2x3 tent and loving it. for ventilation i have a 4 inch inline fan and a carbon filter that i run on about 10% of max speed. its very quiet and perfect tempeture wise
Thanks for the responses everyone. I had not even considered led lighting. I think that hid would be better given how there are many differing opinions of led lighting (and that it is twice as expensive). Although, I would still be open to that option if it is an overwhelming majority of people who support it.

Currently HID is winning, does anyone else have an opinion?
Also for the 2x2 space do you think a 400w is overkill? I thought that optimal lighting was 50-75 watts per square foot. A 400w would be 100 watts per square foot.

If a 250w was used it would be 62.5 which would be about perfect. And the grow would be SOG so not as much light penetration would be needed.


Well-Known Member
there is no reason not to get a hid if heat is not an issue. Modern leds are much better then even a few years ago so you will still find plenty of bad reviews but these are mostly related to older 2 or 3 band units that didnt have the results broader spectrum units have, plus many were geared for more vegitative lighting and now you can get them with a spectrum better for flowering.
If upfront cost is a big concern Hid lighting is definatly the cheaper route to take and will most definatly get the job done.
OK thanks. There would be no heat issues so I think HID is the best choice for now.

So is a 250w hps ok for a 2x2 area? As I showed earlier, this would still give you 62.5 watts per square foot, which is generally considered ideal. Any opinions on if this ok or not?


Well-Known Member
There have been proven results with LEDs and with a small space it would allow you to fully utilize your space. Good luck with whatever you end up with!