Lighting Question


Well-Known Member
Nope. Not only will it not fit, but it also requires something called a ballast to make it light up. Search ebay for 100 hps ballast and you'll see what all is required.

Good luck.


Active Member
A medium base should fit into a regular socket and seeing as a 100w HPS bulb should pull the same energy as a standard 100w light bulb. So whats the difference?

Im well aware that most HPS bulbs require a ballast because they are in a 250w to 1000w range which a regular socket couldnt produce but i see no reason why the 100w would not work.

Please dont think me stupid my growing expertise is top notch my electrical however could use some improvement.

Sorry if you are correct but i need a lil more convincing. Preferably from someone who knows a lot about lights


Well-Known Member
Not sure of the answer but I would think a medium base is the same as a medium base. And a mogul base is the same as a mogul base.


Well-Known Member
A medium base should fit into a regular socket and seeing as a 100w HPS bulb should pull the same energy as a standard 100w light bulb. So whats the difference?

Im well aware that most HPS bulbs require a ballast because they are in a 250w to 1000w range which a regular socket couldnt produce but i see no reason why the 100w would not work.

Please dont think me stupid my growing expertise is top notch my electrical however could use some improvement.

Sorry if you are correct but i need a lil more convincing. Preferably from someone who knows a lot about lights
Loser kid, why are you asking if you don't like the answer? Pick up the phone and call the light bulb place in your link. In spite of your rudimentary electrical calculations, you'll need a ballast. I'm not going to explain it all to you, but why do you think any run of the mill 25w cfl needs a ballast? Just for fun? Ever wonder what that fat thing at the base is? It's a ballast.

A medium base will work in the sense that it will screw into a medium base just fine, but it it won't light. It will just sit. Unlit. Dead. Plants dying.


Well-Known Member
What difference does it make? It's pretty obvious from your "Wal-mart" posts that you will just go out and steal whatever you want anyway. Eat shit and die - bitch!