Lighting Recomendations

Red Eye Jim

Active Member
I have a growing area that is made of two clothing wardrobes that can be purchased from any Uhaul or moving company. It is a large cardboard box that is 48" tall, 24" wide and 20" deep. Has a nifty metal bar that hangs on the top where you can attach a light. I have a New Wave 22 T5 HO fixture with two bulbs that fits very nicely. There is also a New Wave 24 fixture with four bulbs.

I see that Metal Halide and High Pressure Soduim fixture are better and I would really like to optimize lighting options. However, would this be too hot? Burning my house down in the name of a good buzz would really suck. :roll:

Based on my grow box, does anyone have any suggestions for lighting that would cook up some nice buds based on area listed above?


Active Member
I have a growing area that is made of two clothing wardrobes that can be purchased from any Uhaul or moving company. It is a large cardboard box that is 48" tall, 24" wide and 20" deep. Has a nifty metal bar that hangs on the top where you can attach a light. I have a New Wave 22 T5 HO fixture with two bulbs that fits very nicely. There is also a New Wave 24 fixture with four bulbs.

I see that Metal Halide and High Pressure Soduim fixture are better and I would really like to optimize lighting options. However, would this be too hot? Burning my house down in the name of a good buzz would really suck. :roll:

Based on my grow box, does anyone have any suggestions for lighting that would cook up some nice buds based on area listed above?
You are going to have a world of problems with cardboard unless you have it vented very good n the whole inside lined.bugs and moisture will be a problem if it gets in that cardboard they would think they are in the hilton and go to town.if i were you i would use a 400 mh with a air cooled hood with centifugal fan.mine produce very little heat but your space is very impractical for anything except t5s.good luck.vent good line walls with poly n tape edges good.


Well-Known Member
.... cardboard.... first i have no idea why you would choose a big cardboard box to grow in.... your not homeless are you?.... first i would get something better to grow in... if you cant think of anything then buy 4 plywood panels and nail them together... that way atleast your not 'trying' to burn down your house... after that assumeing its the same size... i would get a 400 watt mh/hps or just hps.. with an air cooled hood stick 2 fans on each end running out of the box ....and bam u got yourself a box that wont light on fire on a hot day.. and a very nice light to grow a few mini tree's inside your house.