lighting/room size


Active Member
i have an aero setup in mind that i would like to try out but its pretty big, like around 7 feet. the thing is, is the system would be around 7 feet long with a grow area of 3x3 but the room i would have to use is the jardin 8x8 tent. i planned on using a 1000w hps but in a room that big with the grow area inside only 3x3 would i be wasting alot of light? i have another build i could try in a 5x5 room but i really like this new setup i came up with.


Well-Known Member
does the other half sit in another dimension? sorry i been watching to much " the universe" on history channel. what i was wondering is you say you have a tent. like a tent my kid has in our yard? or is it a special tent for indoors? or is it made to keep them out of site from neighbors? whats the deal with the tents?


Active Member
its 7 feet cause i would be using 2 reservoirs. one on each side. one for the pumps etc and the other to drain in so the roots go into the drain reservoir instead of the one with the pumps but there is more too it than that. im just telling you why it would be 7 feet. with the reservoirs on each side and the grow area in the middle that would leave me a 3x3 growing area so im wondering if i would lose a bunch of light due to all that unused space.


Active Member
the tent would be an indoor tent with atmospheric controls that is 8x8 doing a perpetual aero grow with 4 aero systems. after doing all the math the grow area is 3x3 and the system among other add- ons, it would fill the tent up.