lighting setup help


Active Member
alright i want four plants on a shelf and i want one 50 watt cfl over each plant how would i set this up? be detailed plz, i dont have any eltric skillz


Just some idiot
go to home depot and ask them to show you the hanging dome for workshops. The have clips they are reflective and you can hang tem from above the pants. I believe they are like $5. No skills needed just put the bulb in the receptacle and you're done


Just some idiot
How big are your cfls? If not you can just lose the dome and use the hanging light part. The other option is if your bulbs are not that big you can get a y socket which allows you to use two bulbs in one receptacle. Go to Home Depot explain what you need and they will help you out. Just Tell them you have dark closets in the basement or something. "i'm growing an illegal plant in my house and my growbox is so big, can you help me out"


Just some idiot
looks good!!! and if you want to use the y sockets there would only be two cords running to the power strip.


Well-Known Member
wanna know the easiest way ? for light? firstly buy one metal solid 430w philips(im using) then take a 20 liter water gallon and cut this water gallon mixed with thin metal for reflector and glue this to a gallon and put your light to this gallon and its ready for 4 plant ;) if you want i can show you with pic


Well-Known Member
if you use the method in the drawing you will need to raise the pots so the dont sit in the water that drains from them and you need to empty the bin after every watering.