Lighting Situation, 10 600's or 6 1000's???


Attached is my set up that im planning with undercurrent. I'm debating between 10 600w lights, or 6 1000w lights.

Also, What about 4 1000w lights on 6 ft light movers, 2 on each side of my set up. What do you guys think???

What would produce the bigger yield and better bud?

Thanks for your time and input in advance!



Well-Known Member
6 1,000s. I run 4,000 watts right now but I ran a 6000 watt hps and it worked great. thats just to many lights to hang up plus think about the maintance like cleaning the lenses and the heat from all the ballasts. I would go with 6,000 watt setup


thanks for the quick reply, so what do you think about the idea of 4 1000w lights, 2 on each side of my set up, on 6 foot light movers?

What would be the pros and cons of the 4k with movers over the 6k with no movers?


Well-Known Member
well your 1,000 watt will cover a 4x4 area so i build tables that are 4x4 and run 9 plants to each 1,000. i pull 20 zips a light this way. if you have a large hood like a xxl magnum i wouldnt even use a light mover. if your going to use a light mover you can run more plants though.



Thanks sticky!

Any other advice on the light mover idea? Can someone who uses movers with 1000w lights describe their set up and yield per light?



Active Member
if it is small plant in a sog then go with the 600's, if you are growing trees go with the 1k'ers for penetration to the lower parts of the plant.