lighting times help needed


Active Member
yeah my 12/12 is starting at 2pm dont ask me why

really i need to change it so the lights come on when its coldest

so was thinking on from 7pm until 7am

so i need to change my dawn :S is it advisable and if so should i just shock them with a 5 hour dawn shift or gradually do it ?



Well-Known Member
It is better to leave then in dark longer than give then longer light. So when lights are out reset the timers no big deal.


Well-Known Member
Agree with both my fellow growers :)

It will have no effect to switch the time :)

BUT .... It's good that your thinking like this :)


Active Member
gr8 info thanx people. So lights coming off in 40 mins - i will now leave them off until 7am, so they will recieve 1 dose of 17 hours darness tommorrow and then i will be able to leave my new dawn set at 7am

nice ol bud said will do nothing but dont over do it - by this i assume he ment dont cock up your timiings again - 1 mistake not too bad but more could be an issue :S right?

ps skicky bob i decided against a fan heater and went with a 1kw oil filled rad heater (electric) because i was conserned about the dry heat fans give off - sucking up any humidity. i might have been wrong but this was my thinking.

thanx again all gr8 help :D


Active Member
i thought about that, but with a 60l tray flooding and draining humidity seems to stay pretty bang on;) maybe would cause issues with soil.