Lights, can't decide.

Chem Dawg

New Member
Yeah I just started to read it. I felt like a total dumbass -.-, My bad. Stoned =\ <- It's amazing I can say that and be accepted.
Hm.. I'd probably go CFL only 'cause its in a corner of my closet and I can't always check up on it 'cause I still live at home. Just an avid grower.
It'll be a rubbermaid box.. so.. 20x20x30? Is that enough for 1-2 plants? if I do one plant I should let it veg more compared to doing two?
Sorry for all the dumb questions x[
Don't be sorry bro it cool.. That's why we ALL are here is to learn off of each other. Invest in a few good books to keep you occupied during the process and you can use them as reference guides as most are pretty in depth. And google will tell u why the sky is blue so don't be shy.. And as far as your space and plant count goes that's Ruffly a little over 2 sq ft and general growing suggest 1 plant per sq ft so that's perfect. Also you want to get as close to 50w per sq ft as possible in that space so to reach that goal you would need at least a 125w cfl . Blue for veg & red for flower or dual spec whole way through.


Active Member
Do I need an equal amount of 27k to 65k? And what's dual spec?
Also how do I +rep you, thanks for helping me through this.
My new dimensions are 40x32x20? What would the sqft of that be?

Chem Dawg

New Member
It's approximately 10 sq ft. And dual spec is a mix of both blue and red spectrums in 1 bulb. But if your using multiple CFLs then yes keep the spectrums even. Not sure how to rep as I'm on an iPad but it's cool. Your appreciation was good enough.

Chem Dawg

New Member
50w per sq ft is optimal. 25 w per sq ft is minimum. If you want the best out of your space then shoot for around 50w per sq ft.

Chem Dawg

New Member
Also you want to be around 7000 lumens per sq ft. This is optimal lumens per sq ft. And about 2500 being the minimal. And it's important that with CFLs you keep them between 1-3" from foliage. No further than 3" away to utilize as much of the light as possible.


Well-Known Member
Gah was gonna say I use a combo of T12 32w / 40w 2300k 6500k Bulbs (my setup 6 fixtures) for vegging, but saw your space constraint.

watch out for Comperable and real watts on CFL also, most packages will say 40w 60w Ect. and if you look close they say actual wattage like 9w
Even the huge ones that they sell at home depot go up to 300w but 68w actual
Like $14.97 each
4,200 Lumens Each


Active Member
So 10sqft.
How big of a fan would I need? Is there a measurement for watt/cfm? or space/cfm? This is really my only last obstacle. and what is Dual spectrum? Do they stay on all the time or is there a switch? I've been trying to find some info but i've been shitoutaluck.
Thanks again

Chem Dawg

New Member
That's 72 about cubic ft. You could use a very small inline. Anything that will move air at least 72 CFM . I would get one that moves about twice the CFM of your space and add a fan speed controller so you can reduce fan noise and have control of your temps.


Active Member
That's 72 about cubic ft. You could use a very small inline. Anything that will move air at least 72 CFM . I would get one that moves about twice the CFM of your space and add a fan speed controller so you can reduce fan noise and have control of your temps.
I also want to put a DIY Carbon Filter, this thing literally cannot dank at all. uunless I open it. Wouldnt i need more CFM to make up for the air resistance of the filter? And what about the passive intake hole? Wouldn't that leak?

Chem Dawg

New Member
Yeah with the carbon filter you would need more CFM. As long as you buy a fan speed controller you can get a fairly large CFM inline that will tame temps & fan noise.


Active Member
There's this 530CFM 6" Inline fan for 95 bucks, and I'm pretty tempted to get it. I mean, I know it's overkill but i can use it for future grows and it gets rid of my problems.
Unless.. I can have TOO much CFM?

Chem Dawg

New Member
For that size space bro you would create hurricane like winds. Something like 230cfm would be fine with the speed controller. I have a 400cfm inline pulling through 2-600w air cooled hoods, which pulls through my carbon filter. It's a beaut!! The fan controller was key. Because my basement is so cold, without the controller the fan was full power all day and my tent was the same temp as my basement. Low to mid 50s. Now with the controller I have control( cliche huh ). And did I mention it will save you a couple bucks on electric bill. Always a bonus!


Active Member
Are your intake holes just passive intake holes? Does yours dank at all o:?
And what does your carbon filter look like? I've read so much stuff lately I'm kind of overwhelmed. My buddy talks about air resistance from the filter not letting the fan do its job and I don't want to mess up and under-do something. Yeah..
Oh and where is your exhaust? Top or bottom of your grow "box"? Or however your set up is

Chem Dawg

New Member
My exhaust is through top of tent as heat rises and yes my intake is passive through vents on bottom. No stink @ all unless I leave tent open for a few mins. As long as your fan is strong enough it won't stress the motor as much as it would a smaller motor.

Chem Dawg

New Member
I have 2 computer fans in my veg cab ( 2'x2.5'x5' ). They are wired to a thermostat that turns fans on & off when desired temps are reached. & they are cooling a 400w MH with no issue. By the way what lights are you going to be using?