Lights For Veg Stage?

I have 6, 4ft flourescent bulbs in cool white. Will they be adequate to carry 2 plants through their veg stage before I move them outside to natural light?


Well-Known Member
Yes, you could just use 2 bulbs if you wanted since you are only going to be growing 2 plants. Use 2 or use them all you will be in good shape.


Well-Known Member
Im doing this at the moment under cool whites and the weather has now finally, mercifully may i add, gotten warmer. Anyways, I have started bringing them outside for a few hours a day to harden them up to the real sun, so as to not hurt them when they move under full days of blistering sun. I have always heard that its a good idea to do this, and im not taking any chances. Thought id add that in for you, best of luck cultivating the green love!!
Thanks guys, got my hands on a different setup but Ive still got cool white bulbs.
Its a special growbox that takes U shaped flourescents.