lights out!


Well-Known Member
i got 5 plants on the go on 24/7 light cycle got father inlaw coming round later would it harm the plants if i turned the light off for a couple of hours? need help!


Well-Known Member
yeah man !! had my house insured before and the inspectors came so i piled up all my firewood in front of the door where my plant was, turned it off for 3 1/2 hrs and nothing changed!


Active Member
on this topic of light change,

I recently had a timer die on me and the lights went 24/7 for 2 days during budding. Does anyone know what effect this will have?




Well-Known Member
on this topic of light change,

I recently had a timer die on me and the lights went 24/7 for 2 days during budding. Does anyone know what effect this will have?


That sucks. I had the same thing happen to me but I noticed after a few hours. Mine were fine but a full 2 days is a different story.

I think a full 48 hours is going to give you a chance at reverting to veg or possibly getting some hermies.

You'll most likely see some stunted growth. If the do think its veg time again they will definitely get back to flowering mode if you put them back on 12/12 but it might take some time. Just keep your fingers crossed that you don't get any hermaphrodites.

How far into flower were they? Are there buds yet? Pics?


Active Member
yer they are quite far along, got crystals on the bud leaves and the rods are about 2 inches, not only that but they dried out heaps too so many of the lower leaves died off. I put them back onto 12/12. I'm just wondering how badly screwing with the timing effects the budding cycle.


Well-Known Member
yer they are quite far along, got crystals on the bud leaves and the rods are about 2 inches, not only that but they dried out heaps too so many of the lower leaves died off. I put them back onto 12/12. I'm just wondering how badly screwing with the timing effects the budding cycle.
It's most likely going to affect your growth. It will probably only add an extra week or 2 max onto your cycle though.

If you want more help on this topic start your own thread so you don't hijack this one