lights question please help


Active Member
Hey everyone well im still a newbie but have come a long way, im about 10 - 11 weeks into my first grow i used my 400w hps to veg and then switched it to flower 3 weeks ago, i used seed so i lost 5 of my 9 babies, ive now got 4 plants that are doing very well i nute burnt them early on but got that sorted and wont feed them too much next time lol...

my question is... ive got some clones down off a mate 10 clones under flourescents, now my veg box is 1300 x 700 and my flouro light diffuser is 1200 x 600 i hope you guys follow... now im thinking about putting 2 more sets of these flouros on the side of the box what does everyone reckon,

their is 3 flouro tubes to 1 box (diffuser) does anyone think that this will be good or should i just go and get some cfls ????

i reckon it will be fine but who am i to say


Well-Known Member
well i reckon you are from the uk
for cloning i use 4 foot grow tubes flo..
and my clones root and grow find.
not sure how you # translate to one i am using..
i think you have enough light ..
just make sure there is no light leak to them buds.


Active Member

im in new zealand and im only gonna use the flouros for veg as ive got my flower room set up with a 400w hps........ the trays (diffusers) have 3 flouros in each and the flouros are 38w each tube ????
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Well-Known Member
don't know for sure, but logically you would only need lights on the sides when the plants are bigger and/or flowering and you have budding sites that the lights above don't reach. would be great to hear from an experienced grower on this question.


Active Member
very good point thanks i thought that the more loght the better thats all as they are only flouros......


Well-Known Member
you pobably lost a couple pants cause you started them out with the 400 hps. Your better off stating with floro's (t5's are good) and then switch to the hps once you have 3 to 4 nodes.... As far as cloning I water cloned my best lookin lady....its cheap and it works... I read an awesome tutorial on water cloning on here... just seach water cloning... I envy you cause i cant afford an hps yet..... but my plant are super healthy and big.... dude post some pics.


Active Member
will do thanks guys for all the support ill post pics tomorrow of my set up from down under in new zealand cheers


Well-Known Member
heres how mine turned out under t5's in just 2 months...and alot of cali sun...i come back too check your pics tomorrow..

