Lights stayed on Longer than they were supposed to, During Flowering!!


oK SO i was tying some of my stalks to get some extra light to the lower branches, something must of happened and my timer got hit, which switched it to on instead of auto which turnhey never turned offs them on for the times i set. well they turned off for the time that was set, there on there 3rd week of flower and were on for 5 hours longer than should of been, should i keep the same 12 hour cycle or change it? lights are off now but should turn on at 6pm which would only give it5 hrs of darkness if stck to the same schedule. Need some help thanks!:evil:


Well-Known Member
Give the girls a full 12-hour darkness period, they won't notice the difference. They only care about getting a solid, 12-hours of uninterrupted darkness.

If you want to get your cycle back to where it was before, extend the light cycle by a few hours every day.

In my current crop, the girls are running on a 28 hr cycle, 12 hours of darkness and 16 hours of light. I'm at 6 weeks, right on schedule, they like it just fine. ;-)


k, my post got messed up so here it is again......

oK SO i was tying some of my stalks to get some extra light to the lower branches, something must of happened and my timer got hit, which switched it to on instead of auto which turn them on for the times i set.there on there 3rd week of flower and were on for 5 hours longer than should of been, should i keep the same 12 hour cycle or change it? lights are off now but should turn on at 6pm which would only give it5 hrs of darkness if stck to the same schedule. Need some help thanks!:evil:


thanks man, but if i want after the 12 hours of darkness just set it up to go on at that time and stick with it. if u kno what i mean


sweet thanks
, it was just perfect cause of the hot days here so i had them on at night while the temps were low


Well-Known Member
most of the indoor growers run the lights at night, it's easier to cool and you get a price break from most utility companies running on off peak hours.