Lights/Ventilation Questions


hello, ive posted once before and ive been browsing through this forum for a month or so while putting together my plan. ive got it pretty much down but theres a few specific details id like to get down.

i will be growing in a 4x4x6.5' tent from (great company, very nice tent for the price.) i am getting ready to purchase my lights and ventilation system but im running into some blocks as far as what i should be buying. i have just a 5 pack of seeds from the blackjack strain with because its reviews have been perfect for what im looking for. i would like to use all 5 if possible and they all germinate but what are your thoughts based on the size of the tent i have? im trying to grow for the highest yields rather than speed.

im caught in between the 1000w and 600w mh/hps lights and wanted to get some info on what is more cost efficient. obviously the 600w is cheaper but the 1000w will produce better results so the price of the lights themselves is not the issue. is the 1000w too hot for this space? i dont want to spend more on the lights and then have to spend more on the ventilation just to struggle with keeping the temps down. what truly are the pros and cons of going 1000w and is it worth it seeing as how im not looking to expand any time soon.

last question is depending on wattage what is a good ventilation setup? here are the specs for the particular tent

Size 48 inches x 48 inches x 78 inches
2 x 6" Roof Vent holes
2 x 6" Top Side Vent holes
1 x 4" Top Back Vent hole
1 x 6" Bottom Side Vent hole
Total of 6 vent holes

im pretty much understanding everything in the process but im still stuck on this part. what will be required (intake, outake/filter, and fans inside the tent as well as ducting material) to keep my temps right so i can have this run smoothly. the main reason im asking is because there is only 1 (highly overpriced) hydro shop where i live so everything will have to be bought online so i dont want to run into many problems as it might take some time for shipping and all that. plus im on a loose budget, so i want to keep this affordable, but im not trying to buy cheap stuff that i will just have to replace. i want the most cost efficient way to get the job done. what are your suggestions? i appreciate any responses to any of these issues.


thanks! thats awesome im the same way id rather have people point me in the right direction rather than offer their biased opinion anyway. i like to do some research before i jump into things like this.


but i still need some info on light wattage and whether or not 5 plants in the area is too much so if anybody else has anything to add itd be greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
A 1000w would produce to much heat. a 1000w is for a 4x4 area and bigger. you would also need a 8 inch inline to cool it.

Stick with a 600w. get a dimmable if you can. with the inline they usually stay + and - 5F of room temp. you will be able to do 6 to 12 plants.