Like a boss: Bernie 'Living Wage Sanders' cuts hundreds from campaign staff

you seem to get dumber with every post.
Funny you seem to post nothing but " you're dumb " or " you got a small penis"

Can't say I have seen much knowledge out of you even Uncle Ben posts more knowledgeable shit just not so much in politics. Lol
I swear I seen more from him then that but yeah I never said he was the best. Lol

But Scooby Doo and SimonD where the most helpful when I was just starting indoor.

uncleben is a hack that can't grow shit.

"do what the plant wants"

"water when it needs it"

"know how to make a plant tic"

he's a fucking retard. jimmy carter was president last time he posted a grow pic.

and his penis is tiny, like yours.
uncleben is a hack that can't grow shit.

"do what the plant wants"

"water when it needs it"

"know how to make a plant tic"

he's a fucking retard. jimmy carter was president last time he posted a grow pic.

and his penis is tiny, like yours.
Hey my penis may not be very long but it's as big around as a door knob. :)

Don't be like my wife and say " what to a doll house " lol
Should it be legal for adults to have sex with consenting 13 year old children?
Yes or No.

If you are concerned with people being forced to engage in nonconsensual acts, that's a good thing, Prohibitionist.

By the way, since you mention "legal" which is a term linked to a coercion based government that has a monopoly on the use of force in a given geographical area with or without the consent of those people....

...wouldn't it be consistent of you to also be concerned about the nonconsensual tactics people that hold that coercive monopoly
use ?

Okay, Pea brain, I'll translate for you - I just called you a shallow hypocrite, incapable of pondering anything deeper than the depths of your nose with your finger tip.
yes you do, you think it should be legal to deny service to black people just because they are black. you've even called your own position racist before you dumb shit.

speaking of which, why won't you state that it should be illegal?

Should you be able to control your OWN body?

Should you be able to control your OWN property ?

If you don't think you should, I'd be interested in knowing who you think should and why.

Thanks in advance for your well thought out, on point and astute reply, Poopy Pants..
who isn't allowed to opena business?

this should be interesting to watch your inability to answer a simple question, and the subsequent meltdown which is sure to follow.

Your use of the word "allowed" is very telling.

If a person must first seek and gain permission from an external entity to be "allowed" to do something with their own body and their own property, you've formed an irrelevant question in a false dichotomous way, slave.
Should you be able to control your OWN body?

Should you be able to control your OWN property ?

If you don't think you should, I'd be interested in knowing who you think should and why.

Thanks in advance for your well thought out, on point and astute reply, Poopy Pants..

you've tried your retarded euphemism a million times.

it boils down to you wanting to be able to kick people out of stores if they are black, or you stating (without irony) that it would be "polite and reasonable" to hang a sign that says "no blacks allowed".

dress it up however you want, it's still blatant racism from a segregationist pedophile.
Your use of the word "allowed" is very telling.

If a person must first seek and gain permission from an external entity to be "allowed" to do something with their own body and their own property, you've formed an irrelevant question in a false dichotomous way, slave.

so in other words, you cannot name a single person who is not allowed to open a business.

or maybe you don't want to admit it is you who is not allowed to open up a child daycare facility due to your listing on the sex offender registry as a pedophile.
you've tried your retarded euphemism a million times.

it boils down to you wanting to be able to kick people out of stores if they are black, or you stating (without irony) that it would be "polite and reasonable" to hang a sign that says "no blacks allowed".

dress it up however you want, it's still blatant racism from a segregationist pedophile.

Your argument is on a par with "nuh uh" . Fail.
so in other words, you cannot name a single person who is not allowed to open a business.

or maybe you don't want to admit it is you who is not allowed to open up a child daycare facility due to your listing on the sex offender registry as a pedophile.

When you say "allowed" it sounds like you believe in a forcibly imposed hierarchy wherein some people have more rights than others.

If "permission" from another entity is a requirement to open a business, your indenture is a certainty.
Oh, the hypocrisy of the left, never ceases to amaze, hah!

On his campaign website, alongside his proposal for a national $15 an hour minimum wage, Bernie Sanders lays out in detail his proposed Rebuild America Act, a $1 trillion investment in modernizing America’s infrastructure that he estimates will create 13 million good-paying jobs.

Unfortunately for hundreds of his campaign staff, they’re going to need those good-paying jobs that aren’t going to materialize under a President Sanders.

“We don’t need people right now in Connecticut. That election is over,” Sanders said. “We don’t need them in Maryland. So what we are going to do is allocate our resources to the 14 contests that remain, and that means that we are going to be cutting back on staff.”

See what the free market made him do? On the plus side, when he’s elected president, he has plans to rehire every one of them. “If we win this, every one of those great people who have helped us get this far, they will be rehired.” If we win this?

Use 'em and dump 'em when you don't need them any more. ;)

like any good business person, he's conserving his resources in states where the contest is currently over.

he already got what he came for, dem electorate awareness which will translate over to the General when he runs Indy.

he's split the ticket men, nary a mew and right under hillary's nose:lol:

ooops! that reminds me..time to set-up an auto donation schedule for Sanders2016!:mrgreen:
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When you say "allowed" it sounds like you believe in a forcibly imposed hierarchy wherein some people have more rights than others.

If "permission" from another entity is a requirement to open a business, your indenture is a certainty.

you are soooooo funny.
Wrong thread, that's a Trump thing. And shouldn't you re-re's be concentrating on voter ID laws, low turnouts, disenfranchising people of color and trying to bring back poll taxes? It's your only hope of national election success, better get busy!

you forgot counting his confederate and arranging for this weeks night ride..

'I can't see, you can't see, all that matters is the horse can see..':lol:
