lil bro skips out on thanksgiving to play WOW...


so yeah... my oldest little brother skips out on coming over for thanksgiving with the family to play WOW:finger:... the boy is 17, high school dropout, refuses to get a job, and is a virgin:clap:... basically because he wants to do nothing but play the damn game all the time... im a riu nerd; but i know where to draw lines... he wont even go try to get some pussy:confused:...

actually feel kinda offended by it... my wife and i went through alot of trouble and work to make a damn good thanksgiving dinner; and this asshole wants to stay home and play a game that he is already on about 12-14 hrs a day:evil:

his dad stayed home too; but the man is legitimately sick, and stayed in bed all day... that is understandable; he got all kind of goodies sent back... lil asshole got a cupcake:finger:


Well-Known Member
I think we all have them in our families....what is a Thanksgiving without them, you know? My oldest son decided to be an asshole today. He bent over backwards to make the day miserable.....I sent him to his room, and I didn't give him a cupcake!! I gave him notta, and he will get whole lot more of that tomorrow....Damn kids.


i hate this holiday, mainly because i dont like any of the thanksgiving food, and i have some bad childhood memories of today,

but come on i would at least have the decency to go, pile myself a plate of mashed potatoes and some gravy

but yeah dude WoW is a shitty game anyway


lil prick .... WoW is ruining this generation along with Mtv and the disney channel

i dont understand the appeal of it... im into role playing games, and im a ff fan, (not fanatic).... but wow is just f'n goofy looking.... the closest i ever got to any of those fanatical games was the magic the gathering cards... but id only play them when i got high with one buddy... never bought em or anything... my dad is paying a monthly subscription, and buyin upgrades left and right... its ridiculous:dunce:

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
You have to give Blizzard credit, WoW's design is genius, the more time you put in it the more time you have to put into it.

I used to play gets old. But you CAN play it casually...some people just take it to the anything


Well-Known Member
lil prick .... WoW is ruining this generation along with Mtv and the disney channel
Yes but unfortunately these are just some extremes of the f'd up stuff that abounds and kids are eating up. Hyper consumerism and specatorship are messing everyone up, but kids especially because they don't have the experience to divulge the real from the created...and the created is made with a purpose, and that purpose is to sell, sell, sell at all costs. It will be interesting to see how the future unfolds under the influence of people that grew up surrounded by this shit. Needless to say, I don't like to think about it..

Sorry for the debbie downer moment..but it bothers the shit outta me...we are meant for so much more


Well-Known Member
Haha, that's kinda funny, in a sad way.

I'm 18, and today was the first time I missed out on my Grandmothers Thanksgiving dinner, but it was due to my foot surgery Monday and I wasn't able to even move out of bed. Which is where I still am ;P But it's cool, I got perkasets and some mary to smoke. : D


Well-Known Member
I don't think I have/ever would not do Thanksgiving for any reason. It isn't really my favorite holiday, but I don't want to be that asshole and be all alone bored and doing nothing. It's just rude.


Well-Known Member
yeah wow is horrible and the new expansion came out havent heard from any of my 3 best friends since then they all play they got me to play for about a year a long tie ago and i was like man this is gay and stopped

thanksgiving is the best holiday you get baked and eat grannies aweseome food its fucking great


Well-Known Member
Do your research, he is doing it for social interaction, not the game itself...

I suggest you guys try more social activities, maybe on a smaller scale... go fishing or whatever...

He is obviously a little alienated and perhaps finds comfort in his anonomous life, shared with likeminded people...

Personaly I gave WOW a skip as I have been addicted to many games before (or rather the social aspects).


Well-Known Member
theirs no other way to say it,

since 9th grade I got un-addicted to video games and more addicted to fucking.

just got out of college, and I can honestly say, that's one of like 5 addictions I'm glad I have.

Pot, cigarettes, coffee, Music and fucking.

that's the philosophy of life.


theirs no other way to say it,

since 9th grade I got un-addicted to video games and more addicted to fucking.

just got out of college, and I can honestly say, that's one of like 5 addictions I'm glad I have.

Pot, cigarettes, coffee, Music and fucking.

that's the philosophy of life.
your philosophy that is


Well-Known Member
Most people stuck on WOW:
A) have too much time on their hands
B) Are trying to forget a problem
C) Have a hard time socializing or mental illness
D)all of the above

You can pick any of the few, I know plenty of people who play wow like I smoke pot and it doesn't get in the way of their life... but some of the people on it 24/7 do need help.. People kinda laugh about treating video game addiction, I do too a bit but on a serious note just like real addictions most of the time its not 100% a chemical thing but more a cover up for something else wrong in their life..

Think of how many people are dealing with it at the thanksgiving table most likely too.