lil purple see


Well-Known Member
whats up fellas,i planted a purple seed in my old plant spot.has compose and bat shit and well stirred.i live in cali and the weather is hot.
my question is,what else can i do?how long does a seed take to sprout?


Well-Known Member
not germinated, thats how i did mine. straight into ground... took about a week for some and itll pop but about half an inch tall over night!


Well-Known Member
u should have put it in a bag... started it... and i dont think its gunna sprout a good foot down! u should have put it like.... 1/4inch barley when u already sprout it.


Well-Known Member
ok,not a whole foot down but half a foot,bout 6 inch,then the rest is top soil.
it is highly unlikely it will germinate that deep down.even if it did it would run out of energy before it broke the surface.

they only have to be down about 1/4 inch.:hump:


Well-Known Member
ok,planted a new 1.i took out the last soil,returned it,planted it bout a pinkie finger deep.

wasnt able to find the last seed i planted :) but i think it'll be ok.