Lime Discoloration on the Fans. plz help.

Hey, 1st post, scary problem, no camera. O_o
I've have a plant that's been vegging in an aerogarden for maybe 2 months now.
Its not even 6" tall, but its pleasantly bushy.

I was getting some sort of dusty white circles mites or something on the leaves SO i spritzed with with some baking-soda-water (organic nube gardener)
Now there's a ton of white blotches from the evaporated baking-soda AND some leaves are getting theselime-yellow blotches popping up in the middle of the leaves.

They remind me of the color of composting plant material. The sickly pale lime greenish... i dont know...
I'll try to get a pic with my phone.

Any ideas?
Be carefull of what you spritz on your plants bro. Next time get some chemicals designed for plants..
LOL why the fuck would you put baking soda on your foliage LOL ?chances are your not changing your res enuff, should be every 5-9 days at the max, otherwise your plant will start to starve your plant from certain nutrients.
Sounds like lack of nitro to me. Pics would help.
Try foliar feeding one half strength nutes awhile to see if it helps it.

My other guess is mites look under the leafs really good for them.
LOL why the fuck would you put baking soda on your foliage LOL ?chances are your not changing your res enuff, should be every 5-9 days at the max, otherwise your plant will start to starve your plant from certain nutrients.

I washed the leaves off with water, and all seems back to normal except for the yellow scaring... The Baking soda -water was meant for killing the mites. i guess my concentration was way too high.
My other problem is the stupid aerogarden res. I can never seem to keep the nutrient/ ph blend consistent because she needs constant watering. any measuring tips?
I washed the leaves off with water, and all seems back to normal except for the yellow scaring... The Baking soda -water was meant for killing the mites. i guess my concentration was way too high.
My other problem is the stupid aerogarden res. I can never seem to keep the nutrient/ ph blend consistent because she needs constant watering. any measuring tips?

neem oil is used as a preventative measure against mites.

what nutrients are you using? ppms? do you check ph?
Lime discoloration dried up. These are Nut and ph problems Im grabbing at straws to fix. I'm using iguana grow.
the first plant has just been Fim'd, and the smaller one..... i dont know what to make of it... it's bushy and short as hell....

SprintPhoto_b10pku.jpgSprintPhoto_burjnu.jpgas you can see, the little one is pale and curling....
how old are those plants? earlier it sounded like nitrogen deficiency, the spots youre having are either from mites eating at them, water spots magnifying light to burn the leaves, or you are low on potassium. ill try to keep up with this.
They're only about a week or 2 apart. the Bigger one is at least 2 months old. it was too cold for a white, but it's been growing a lot faster lately.
SprintPhoto_bvgspq.jpgThe new growth for this little guy is twisting and pale.
I added Nutes in slowly, but I'm not seeing much of a change.
tried some foliar feeding... they got a little greener in some spots.
do you check ph? and what nutrients are you using and npk values? ppm's?

temp/humidity? more info the better. ;)
oh, i have been having a very hard time keeping the oh down. Its up really high right now, and I've been trying a combination of vinegar, peroxide, and lime juice. It'll test fine and then a few hours later spike again.

I'm using Iguana Grow alone right now. Everything was going pretty well until i changed out the water.. then everything got really good then super bad all of a sudden.
I don't have any numbers for the humidity or anything. It's pleasent enough for me to breath comfortable in the closet with the door closed. I sometimes wonder if its humid enough.
oh, i have been having a very hard time keeping the oh down. Its up really high right now, and I've been trying a combination of vinegar, peroxide, and lime juice. It'll test fine and then a few hours later spike again. I'm using Iguana Grow alone right now. Everything was going pretty well until i changed out the water.. then everything got really good then super bad all of a sudden. I don't have any numbers for the humidity or anything. It's pleasent enough for me to breath comfortable in the closet with the door closed. I sometimes wonder if its humid enough.

you need ph down for your system ...vinegar(which i use for soil) and lime will only be temporary... after only a few hrs ph will spike again, but ph down should keep it more stable for your system ...and should not spike so fast. humidity ideal 60%+ :)

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Thank you! I'll get some of that.vWhat about their growth? Even the taller one is not even 6" tall, and its at least 2 months old. Whats wrong with them?
Thank you! I'll get some of that. What about their growth? Even the taller one is not even 6" tall, and its at least 2 months old. Whats wrong with them?

just probably stunted ...big one is ok... minus the splotches on the leaves/from what ever your sprayed on them/BAKING SODA?

small one looks like it is not using nutrients..either due to ph outta whack/and or too cold temps. bigger one can handle flux in ph or temps ....while the smaller one, is more sensitive to ph spikes/colder temps. cold temps can also lockout certain nutrients too. ;)
it may be potassium deficiency. take care of that K and lift your lights a bit and see if they try to reach a little. then when they are to a level you want to maintain, lower your lights.