Limp plants


New Member
Plants droop around the same time every morning.
Just watered a few of them last night before they drooped
They drooped everyday while they were drying out too
Theres usually plenty of moisture
The 2 that were left in the window were the only plants that have gone more than a day without drooping


Try not watering them at night see what effects take place in the morning also did you see my attachment


New Member
I didnt water for almost a week. Same problems. I didnt water while the lights were out. My lights are on over night and off a few hours during the day. Ive also tried 24/0


Good point when I posted it I kinda wanted to erase it since you did let them dry out for a few days...facepalm.. Have you tried another soiless mix?
Im at work lmao so much for working lmao this is more important hahaha


New Member
I went to put a few in the window and noticed the leaves are as dry and shriveled as and old ladies snatch!
Im misting them with RO