Lince's Grows and Experiments


Well-Known Member
Hi there,

I've just finished my auto-flowering grow and I'm at the beginning of the new grow so here are the details.

I'm growing 7 regular seeds, I had them 18/6 for two weeks and then put them under 12/12 and the "experiment" this time is that I have to harvest by the 30th of June which means only 69 days total. In order to do that I'll reduce the hours of light down to 10 or 8 hours and hope it works as they usually take 85 days until harvest. So gotta make them finish 16 days faster :)

I'm also trying to make some clones root in a dwc cloner I built but I didn't have much success so far, will cut a new batch in a couple of days. And finally growing a clone, it's quite ugly and small but I wanna see how i turns out :leaf::leaf::leaf:

Here are three of the new plants (the small ones) and the "ugly" clone in the back :)
Glad to have you on-board :) Hope I can get some more people interested in the grow hehe. I've got 6 durban poison and one purple#1 but all the seeds are my crosses. We'll see how many of them are females, will know in around a week I guess.
ha ha i get front row........thats awsome............u made the beans for this grow ur self???????dankness bro....lets have it........come on power to the purple.......i hope my midnight comes out with the blueberry pheno and gets all royal purple 4 me......
is that a sunflower in there? lol im doing the same thing

The plant in the back at the left side is a saffron lol, I'm also growing some other stuff apart from mj, but it will go out of the box as soon as I put the other 4 plants inside, space will be tight :)

What do you mean by the same thing ? you growing a sunflower ? :lol:
Rooting in a dwc cloner sucks....if 1) Your pump is too weak/not enough air stones 2)You don't use rooting hormone liquid/pH'd h20 ....Basically what I learned from my attempt at a dwc cloner. I reverted back to gel and cubes; always having ~75% survival rate. For the future when space permits me to use another cloning system I think I will go with an aerocloner setup.
Just my 2 cents holmes.
thanks for your 2 cents guerillastyle, just hoping I get some rooting in a couple of weeks, we'll see. I may try an aero-cloner in the future as well.
Thanks man :) trying to play with everything lol I'm starting to get curious about HPS now ;)
u know i have the 400w'er right????she is perfect for my lil cloeset........1.5w x 6'l x 12' next time i grow in door i will use scrog, i have seen whut it can do and wow...friend of mine has 55 cola's 55 bro......scrog and i prett sure 400w'er as well.......hey i switched to light over today to hps...since we r on the topic..........28 days veg isn't too little is it ?????? i only ask cause i put my hps in today ans went 12/12 but the light just cam on so if im fast i could switch back....whut do u think bro?????????too soon...the hps is awsome.....sun incarnated u know....beautiful thing...raiseed my bill 30.....the 400w not bad at all dryer uses more than that..........
Yes, one month is a good vegging period for sure (many people vegs for a month). If you have enough space and want a good yield I would say the very minimum vegging time is 3 weeks. Anyway you have another plant vegged for 45 days right ? maybe you can compare if the yield difference is big when you harvest.

Yes bro, I know about the hps you got there, a bit jealous ;) I was trying to get some info on 150 and 250 hps because that's what I'm running on clf, around 200W in each box (got 2 boxes) and switching to hps could be a very big improvement with the same power bill, but I would also need to make some investment in bigger boxes, better ventilation etc
So I finally cut the clones today, here is the tiny father were I cut them from (I'm using a father because I haven't got a mum and I just want to learn how to clone):


I used some clonex:


And these is the father after I took the cuttings:


And these are the clones in the dwc cloner:


I made 45º cut to all of them but split the stem to only two, scratch the stem to one and cut a piece of the stem to another one. I also spray some water on the leaves and I have them covered. The water is plain water with 5.5 ph aprox. I'll keep a track of them to see if any actually grows any roots. I hope at least one makes it :)
dont be jealous at all, u sir grew some dank ass nug...juss in a differnt way with a diff lighht......i envy you sir...for ur nugs look so dank and tasty...and the trees is so gnarly looking.....and oh yeah fans do alot alot alot lot............exhaust and intake plus neg pressure fans will do wonders....i dont know whut u have for ventilation.....sure ur good on that......dank grow ur shit is set n i need not type n e more well done very very very good show oldd boy..........................only thing i can say is more pix next grow......................sorry been drinking...........
Yes, one month is a good vegging period for sure (many people vegs for a month). If you have enough space and want a good yield I would say the very minimum vegging time is 3 weeks. Anyway you have another plant vegged for 45 days right ? maybe you can compare if the yield difference is big when you harvest.

Yes bro, I know about the hps you got there, a bit jealous ;) I was trying to get some info on 150 and 250 hps because that's what I'm running on clf, around 200W in each box (got 2 boxes) and switching to hps could be a very big improvement with the same power bill, but I would also need to make some investment in bigger boxes, better ventilation etc
Glad to see you enjoying your time lol

It's just healthy jealousy :) I'm enjoying a lot my grows and even if they are not big plants, I'm growing plenty of them and learning a lot with all the "experiments".

Anyway, quick update, here are a couple of pics of the plants, the clone is already full of trichomes, I gotta say that I'm a bit surprised coz it seems a little early for trichomes.

The small DP plants are just growing, I can't wait to sex them. They are under 12/12 and I'll keep them that way until the end of may, then I'll switch to 10/14 or 8/16 to harvest at the end of June.

The clones after two days are fine and green, no signs of roots yet :)

Well, I don't really know if it's going to work, it's just an experiment to see what happens.

What I think is that If the plants grown outdoor take longer to finish, this could be because the days are longer outdoor than indoor with a 12/12 cycle so if that's right then giving them less hours could do the opposite.

Another option could be that they'll have more hours of dark which mean they'll have more time to develop the flowers and whatever chemical process they do at night (read it somewhere but couldn't find that info again) and so may get ready faster.

Any thoughts about it merchant ?
Today is day 4 for the clones and some leaves are starting to look a bit softer green, anybody knows why ?

Apart from that, the new plants are looking good, some growing a little bigger than others, I guess some will show sex in the following few days, I'm really looking forward to it. Hopefully there'll be at least 3-4 females. So far the female ratio of these DP seeds has been pretty good so it shouldn't be too much to ask for :)
Im subbd bro. Nice setup, and I'm doin some experiementing of my own right now. I kinda like 'em becuase it makes you a better "parent" lol. Mass respect man.
Im subbd bro. Nice setup, and I'm doin some experiementing of my own right now. I kinda like 'em becuase it makes you a better "parent" lol. Mass respect man.

What's up man, glad to have you on board :) Which experiments are you running ? You made me curious.