Lions or Bears


Well-Known Member
if we lose does it turn into a live target?
Nope...just 17 or more points in the half makes it golden, win or lose...that was the prdiction from the Gypsy... never said anything abotu a team or a win...just I would get 17 points I wanted in the end of a game


Well-Known Member
It's so fucking loud in there!!! I went to the eagles lions game and it was knda loud no where near this loud!! I'll bs @ the lions Carolina game.


Well-Known Member
I'm high...NBA is basketball right?...thats what WW meant right?'m fuckin baked

I know NBA is b ball...but is that what you were refering to WW


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but don't tell the old man. ok?
I won' don't watch much untill the playoffs
You said before you like antiques?...I found a beautifull crystall ball from a Gypsy stand ( not pride on it)...I'll send you a pic...I don't have a good camera and my cell phone pics are shitty...I gatta PM you about some Holiday recipies I'd like to share... your hubby will love them...I'll send this crystall ball pic too...I think it's real...whaa ahh ahhh hahah...JK see ya