Lip gloss


Well-Known Member
I wonder what about my lizard brain is attracted to girls with shiny lips.
Does it subliminally register a wet pussy/blowjob vibe?
I understand the makeup thing making for a healthy looking complexion
tricking me into thinking they are healthy breeding stock but lip gloss? Why God why?


Well-Known Member
you sure those girls with shiny lips aren't dudes? you never know you can be tricked
I can be tricked. I admit it some of those dudes do a pretty good job of lookin like a lady. lol
Oddly enough I looked for some glossy lip pics and discovered that taken out of context they do nothing for me. Then I noticed the eyes. I think I`m a face man


Active Member
so you're not the only one...i almost got tricked when i was in hawaii...those soft skinned lil asian people...tsk tsk tsk


Well-Known Member
I wonder what about my lizard brain is attracted to girls with shiny lips.
Does it subliminally register a wet pussy/blowjob vibe?
I understand the makeup thing making for a healthy looking complexion
tricking me into thinking they are healthy breeding stock but lip gloss? Why God why?

you aren't allowed to say bl%wj$b here. it is degrading to women. :(