
Hi, guys

getting into LED lighting and ways to cool these led boards. ive put together a cad drawing of a water-cooled heatsink I intend to have made.. any thoughts or suggestions or even anybody doing this themselves? would be appreciated any productive feedback.

The boards I have are

LM301B New LED Quantum Board PCB dimension: 970*50*1.5mm
192pcs lm301b 3500K
6pcs OSRAM red 660nm led
2pcs OSRAM IR 730nm led
2pcs LG 385nm UV led

these will be screwed down onto the heatsink and be connected to 5 other heatsinks for just under 600w and to a heat exchanger made from an intercooler.



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Hi, guys

getting into LED lighting and ways to cool these led boards. ive put together a cad drawing of a water-cooled heatsink I intend to have made.. any thoughts or suggestions or even anybody doing this themselves? would be appreciated any productive feedback.

The boards I have are

LM301B New LED Quantum Board PCB dimension: 970*50*1.5mm
192pcs lm301b 3500K
6pcs OSRAM red 660nm led
2pcs OSRAM IR 730nm led
2pcs LG 385nm UV led

these will be screwed down onto the heatsink and be connected to 5 other heatsinks for just under 600w and to a heat exchanger made from an intercooler.

I've done water cooled strips. How can you afford custom extrusions? What boards/strips are they?
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I've done it. First question, why liquid cooling? What boards/strips are they?
I would imagine for the most part it would potentially increase led life because of constant cooling . Also keep temps down . However I would just mount drivers outside tent and put a fan on them and a fan on the led lights . They don’t get THAT hot in my opinion . But...... whatever floats your boat . Jmo
I've done water cooled strips. How can you afford custom extrusions? What boards/strips are they?
ok great any advice or things to mention about your cooled strips? do you have a tread? these are boards ive had made last year I intend to run each at 98w.
yeah led life, room temps as ill be running through the year. they could also be used in a sealed room to great effect. I also just like making things lol
I have done a little testing with 9 boards @ 98w = 882w mounted onto some glued together 50mm x 30mm X 2mm Ali box section. LED board surface Temps were stable in a non vented room @ 58 deg celcius after about 20 mins. I hope to drop this to arounds 35 deg celsius? thoughts
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I think your effort and and $$ would be better spent on doubling your strips and running them at 50w each. This will also bring down to around 35° and also improve light output. Blue based white diodes have very good resistance to heat and will only drop performance with a few % from 25 to 85C. But halving diode current will increase light output per watt by about 10% and you wont have to have water lines running thru your grow.

This would maybe make sense when used with higher powered cobs due to all those watts having to go thru a small pcb but with strips i dont see the point; your strips are the size of 20 cobs but with only a fraction of the watts per square inch. But you do get points for ambition ;)
Last edited: agree with you bro RS...
...but i like liquid cooled led theme.... its inspirative for me...and educative too... off course its a bit expensive... but i sawed some curious good brands going in liquid cooled...

...y reciclando ese calor lo puedes aprovechar para suelo radiante ...paredes radiantes.. techos radiantes...calentar el aire de entrada al cultivo...etc... en sitios con frio o en altitud...creo que ayudaria bastante...

...a Vitaly Druchinin...(mis mejores deseos al Bro Vitaly...mucho amor) lo vi usandolo en sus inicios gustaron sus soluciones con tubo de cobre en el disipador...
...esta curioso su articulo del water cooling...

...pero tambien vi en una web leds bulbs usando silicona...
...habra que ver que tal van esos led bulb siliconados...quizas lo usen con los paneles leds tambien...
...los llegaremos a ver?... esta curioso el tema...

The LQD Cooling System is a method of keeping LED light bulbs cool using a liquid silicone coolant.
The central nervous system of a LQD Cooling System combines of two proprietary components: a coolant made of liquid silicone and an efficient and reliable driver.

Liquid silicone is no stranger to thermal-management applications from cooling large machinery to being an ingredient in select food and cosmetic products.
Reported as being a completely safe, food-grade product, liquid silicone is electrically non-conductive, non-toxic, non-staining, and does not degrade LEDs.
Pairing the coolant and drivers, this system works in synchronization to cool the LEDs in the bulb as well as all integral components.

...googlee sobre el tema "liquid cooled led" ...en escrito ...en fotos (curiosas fotillos que vi) y en videos (añadidos unos cuantos canales mas a la coleccion)...y vi mas cosillas para actualizar mi info...y sigo aprendiendo sin comprar o usar momento...y no llevo prisa...

...hasta mechatronix tiene version asi... y me parecio ver a Welight de Cutter ...usando le liquid cool tambien...amen de otras grandes marcas para temas mas profesionales...y grandes greenhouses... pero estoy contigo para diy ...mas leds y correrlos mas suaves... o siliconarlos...juass... ;--)

e function actived

Saludos desde Tenerife
Cutter have used watercooling on some of their strips but using 5w chips rather than midpowers, they have some strips that can run +200w for 2 foot strip. I have a few of those but we arent running them rn.
Im sure it could be done safely...however, water and electricity are so dangerous together I wouldn't want to consider it when as mentioned above...double your strips halve your wattage and run cooler.
The benefits for water cooling are to run chips hard, but keep them cool to maintain efficacy. You need to offset the cost of Water Cooled infrastructure against running less boards, that will run harder. This is 1200watt of strip, delivering 2800PPF. Also has the advantage of running strips at higher hang height and still get penetration

I fail to see the need with external drivers. Those I air cool mounted on a metal basket. Having contemplated similar thoughts though. 1/8" copper tubing in a standard heat exchange configuration, loop, laid in the light heasink channels. A copper computer radiator, Watt matching, case fans, pump and reservoir. Fairly simple, compact and mount any where your pump has head pressure to reach.

Still fail to see the point. But like the though.
I've had grand, stoned visions of mounting Cob chips to the outside of some aluminum square tubing. Welding the ends shut. Welding pads for the chips so the screws don't go through the wall of the square tube.

A couple of nipples on each end. Water pump using computer coolant.

Then I woke the F up. For the cost and maintenance. I can run more chips at a lower temp. Have more light coverage. Versus having a water cooled sink. $$$$

I hate spending money.
I've had grand, stoned visions of mounting Cob chips to the outside of some aluminum square tubing. Welding the ends shut. Welding pads for the chips so the screws don't go through the wall of the square tube.

A couple of nipples on each end. Water pump using computer coolant.

Then I woke the F up. For the cost and maintenance. I can run more chips at a lower temp. Have more light coverage. Versus having a water cooled sink. $$$$

I hate spending money.
Hate when that happens. Wish I woke up before this.

Wondering if the OP knows about dielectric issues with differing material. 005.jpg
You should've stuck a bulb in the middle. Then trolled people by asking them what they think about you AI controlled grow light.
I've had grand, stoned visions of mounting Cob chips to the outside of some aluminum square tubing. Welding the ends shut. Welding pads for the chips so the screws don't go through the wall of the square tube.

A couple of nipples on each end. Water pump using computer coolant.

Then I woke the F up. For the cost and maintenance. I can run more chips at a lower temp. Have more light coverage. Versus having a water cooled sink. $$$$

I hate spending money.
I'm already doing it with 12 100w COBs. All you'll need to add is a small car radiator. I'm using one from a honda civic. You don't even have to go as far as welding the aluminum. You can just mix epoxy with plaster to make a putty and plug the ends with that, having an exposed flow tube on either side.
To mount them, you can make a simple bracket that goes around the tubes with trips of sheet metal bent in the correct shape. Obviously you will need thermal grease so they don't burn out.
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