Liquid Gold. Golden Friends. Peace.


Well-Known Member
i'm gonna be honest. i run the liquid gold method. it. i use pee. fresh pee. diluted. don't use pee when you are drinking. don't use the first pee of the day. take your vitamins and eat healthy. follow that guide and you're squirting pure gold every time you piss.

if you did google it you will see that our pee contains good ratios of n-p-k as well as other things. mix that with some still water(irish still water has lots of good stuff in it), and you're set.

that said......i'm weird. lol. :P

Biggest and most common problem for most beginners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OVERWATERING.

You see a problem that you think is a def.....You water with nutes.
Someone says no man, that's burn........You water to flush.
You see your leaves droop as a result......You water because you think the plant is asking for some.
Brown spots appear on your drooping leaves......You water more to flush what you think MUST be nute burn.

Your plant is now dead.

Read up man. Read and read and read and read.

Using the liquid gold method from 2 weeks on, I have NEVER been disappointed. Never shown a nute def. Never shown a nute burn. I might not yield as much as the guy who payed 50 bucks or more for his bloom nutes, but my bud is 100%.........ONE HUNDRED PERCENT! home grown organic. I flush and cure properly so don't worry, nobody ever smoked my piss. Nobody ever complained about my smoke either.

I grow weed that would make the most discerning palette do a little jig. I get high, that makes me happy and proud.

I think that a lot of growers like myself experience a bit of frustration when joining sites like this. We don't take a million pictures of our grows until we are linked up here and even then we may be a little hesitant to go flashing our goods. That leaves us at being looked at as beginners/noobs(i hate that fucking term)/greenhorns/big talkers, and panty stalkers. I've grown my share of bud. I bow down to the guys who have grown more. I'm here to help the guys who have grown less.

It irks me that so many people get nasty on this site. It's a stoner site. Can't we all just get along. ;)
If you're gonna heckle a stupid question(someone hasn't looked anything up and just wants the answer given to them on a platter), make sure you keep it light hearted. We are all in it for the peace. The peace a fat bowl brings someone with anxiety issues. The peace a nice joint brings someone dealing with issues related to cancer. The peace a dank bag of sweet sensi brings to somebody who has no better option than our friend Mary Jane. Peace.

Peace. Let's all be friends.


Interesting...yes I'm a victim of over watering I don't really know when I should water even less with coco medium. Will buy a moisture sensor soon I guess.


Well-Known Member
I heard of it for fushias. One guy posted about using his "dumps" for his plants.


Active Member
Sorry, but if I found out someone sold me weed they treated with their own piss, they would be in for an ass beating. Disgusting no matter how you look at it.

Tell your buyers you use your own piss and see how they react. You are being cheap and disgusting lol. Sick.


Well-Known Member
Well, I guess if it is what you want to do...I have heard of a bunch of weird people that say you should drink diluted urine a few times a day...but I just don't see myself doing that...


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't have tried it either before i looked into it. if you do a bit of research you'll see that it's actually very good for the plants. "They call me mellow yellow"