Liquid Karma vs. Rhizotonic


Active Member
Are these the same things? Can LK be substitued for the Rhizo? Anyone have any ideas as to what the ratios would be?

If not, what is Rhizo comparable to?

Thanks! :joint:


Well-Known Member
wish i could help.. i just started using rhizo.. expensive as balls but supposedly some damn good stuff for healthy root development.. i can give some imput here in a couple weeks


Active Member
Been using Rhizo for a while now and I can tell you it's worth every penny. Just stumbled upon a much bigger container of Liquid karma for a better price (free =) and wanted to know if I can use it as a substitute. So far it seems to be working OK...


Well-Known Member
I have been using the LK for about 4 months. I switched from FF nutes the the Botanicare line of nutes. I have been much happier with the Botanicare stuff. I can't say for sure if the LK is helping, but the entire line up together works great.


Well-Known Member
liquid karma is a nute...rizotonic is a root stimulator...they cant be substituted...they are both excellent products....and you should be able to use them both at the same carefull with the is strong ....


Well-Known Member
Liquid Karma has an NPK rating of point 1 of N and P and point 5 of K. How strong can it be? It is not even a full 1% of each nute.
It is considered more of a catalyst than it is a nutrient.


Well-Known Member
it raises my EC level pretty fast in my nute hard would it be to over do it if you dont have a ec meter? fox farms raises EC fast too...a little goes a long way...


Well-Known Member
A little goes a long way with all nutrients, thats why they give you dosage amount. If you use things at 1/2-3/4 strength you shouldn't have any problems with nute burn. If you have a PPM meter, then you can take things to the limit, but I don't think it is the Liquid Karma that is bringing up your PPM level. I am guessing it is your base nutes and your bloom boosters.


Well-Known Member
I'm using Rhizotonic with Biovega right now, I've been dousing them with a mixture of the 2 every 2-3 days with no signs of burning, I'm only 2 weeks in, but so far, so good.


Well-Known Member
does anyone know if using h202 counteracts rhizo, rhizo is an algae and h202 is supposed to kill that stuff, i have some root issues from using too much superthrive, my roots got burned off and now i need to use a root stim but i put h202 in my water before i bought this rhizo stuff...any help pls


Well-Known Member
I think if you want to use organic active enzym type additives and fertilizers you probably are not doing your roots any favors hitting them with H2O2 which is fairly indiscriminant as to which bacteria it kills.

Probably why Canna have that Cannazym additive stuff which acts in the same way as H2O2 but is active enzyms which break down roots and make them available as root nutrient in your soil, rather than chemical.

In saying that, there is natural occuring hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in soil.

Added: as for Liquid Karma, I thought that was more of a flowering booster rather than a rooting complex.


Well-Known Member
ok im using hydro, so if im usderstanding you correctly, Cannazym will bascailly break down dead roots and turn it into something usable for my plants?

I did a res change yesterday because i couldn't wait for my roots to get better, so this time i just used FF nutes and Rhizotonic. Checked it this morning the plants are looking better, no more droop and there is actually a little foliage growth.

Does anyone know if too much light on plants with underdeveloped root systems will cause droop?

That rhizotonic seems to work well, i see roots poping out that weren't even clsoe to being that developed yesterday, its crazy. I thought my plants were doing really bad, but this rhizo stuff brought that champ out of my most wilted plant.

Im going to add another dosage of rhizo tomorrow, two days after the initial dosage. That will hopefully be the last dosage. Two days after that i will be adding hygrozyme to eat away the rest of the rooted root. I am no longer using h202, i knew i should have never went back to that filthy whore!


Well-Known Member
That rhizotonic seems to work well, i see roots poping out that weren't even clsoe to being that developed yesterday, its crazy. I thought my plants were doing really bad, but this rhizo stuff brought that champ out of my most wilted plant.
yeah its pretty insane stuff isnt it.

so if im usderstanding you correctly, Cannazym will bascailly break down dead roots and turn it into something usable for my plants?
Im guessing there are other products out there by different companies that do the same thing as Cannazym, but anyways, here is the speel from CANNA.

CANNAZYM is a top-quality enzyme product. It consists of more than 12 different enzymes and is enriched with vitamins and desert plant extracts. CANNAZYM not only accelerates the breakdown of dead root materials, (hemi) cellulose, but also transforms these into minerals and glucose that provide a source of nutrition for the plants.

Fast breakdown of root remains provided by CANNAZYM, reduces rotting considerably and supports a proper air and soil hydrology in the root environment. A healthy root environment is crucial to a more efficient nutrient uptake and a high resistance to pathogenic organisms.

Extra health
A number of easily absorbable vitamins are added to CANNAZYM to stimulate root development. Especially the growth of young growing points is promoted, which is precisely where important elements like calcium, magnesium and iron are absorbed.CANNAZYM strengthens the defense systems of fast-growing plants, through the addition of a substance isolated from desert plants. By activating the plant's defense system, the protection against pathogenic organisms is improved. The plants can react quickly to potential harm, preventing or limiting the damage.

Note: do not use in combination with products that contain hydrogen-peroxide


Well-Known Member
sounds like hygrozyme but a bit better, CANNA stuff seems expensive, im no longer buying anything except Foxfarm, Rhizotonic, Hygrozyme

everything else is a waste of my time and money, plus using stuff that you know works is better than playing around when you want to see results

so yah, thanks for the info man, greatly appreciated, i hope to see even more progress as the weekend passes, and i doubt that i will be dissapointed


Well-Known Member
so is it safe to assume that using hygrozyme with rhizotonic will not counteract each other?

from what i remember hygrozyme has some ingrediant that has rhizo something enzyme....correct me if i am wrong


Well-Known Member
I havent used hygrozyme but Im guessing its enzyme based like cannazym. Rhiz is extracted from plants, hemicellulose which is found in the cell walls in most plants, iodines, trace elements etc (not sure where the fishy smell comes in) so should work with anything other than the H2O2 type chemicals.


Well-Known Member
rhizotonic is algae based root stimulant, so i assum that is why...

so if i am reading correct, it more than likely is ok to use hygrozyme with rhizotonic?

don't worry, im not going to blame you for anything, asking for your help so anything you tell me and i try is all on me