liquid nitrogen to extract thc???


New Member
Im in the cooking industry and was talking to our delivery driver(co2 and nitrogen for beer) about using liquid nitrogen to make ice cream and the availablity/cost and so forth (supposed to make the best fresh ice cream due to the extreme cold temp, -375). Any way me and a co worker were enjoying a break and wondered if we could use the liquid nitrogen to extract the thc in a similar system for bho. Would it work since the ln would slowly evaporate leaving the thc and would it leave anything harmful to your health?


New Member
Nothing wrong with dry ice and bubble bags, just didn't know if anyone had tried it yet and if there would be any negative effects from the extraction. I've made bho and I liked it, execpt for the harshness on the lungs from the byproduct left behind from the butane. And yes liquid nitrogen is dangerous if handled wrong.


Active Member
I do know someone who recently done it with N2O (food grade). Did not get to test it personally but it looks amazing and trusting his work and word the purity is top notch. I would thing this will work, Co2 extractions are proving fruitful as well.