Liquid Resin & the Cannabis Cigar


Active Member
So ever since I read about it I've wanted to make the mighty cannabis cigar ( 100% cannabis joint: The Cannabis cigar ) :bigjoint: The only snag here is the "liquid cannabis resin" that it calls for. The only resin I know about is the black goo inside my bowl, but that's obviously not what they're talking about.

So my question is what exactly is "liquid cannabis resin," and how would I go about making/procuring it? +rep and an e-cookie for the first helpful post!


Active Member
lol, just after I posted this I saw the thread about making oil from cuttings and iso. I'm pretty sure that's what I need. Here's a cookie anyway:


Active Member
Why not just make a sheet of fan leaves and then roll with that?
I thought about that, but then it'd be more like just a joint make out of leaves. I like this way because it's more like making a genuine cigar except with pot and pot leaves instead of tobacco and tobacco leaves.


Well-Known Member
that has to be hard as heck to roll it with the leafs. I saw this in the joint rolling handbook years ago. Leafs are really brittle and I think this thing would fall apart really easy.

Yeah the trick would be to press the cannibis leafs like the tabacco leaflets are. Just get a bunch of honey oil on them maybe and some wax paper between 2 books? Donno.


Well-Known Member
that has to be hard as heck to roll it with the leafs. I saw this in the joint rolling handbook years ago. Leafs are really brittle and I think this thing would fall apart really easy.

Yeah the trick would be to press the cannibis leafs like the tabacco leaflets are. Just get a bunch of honey oil on them maybe and some wax paper between 2 books? Donno.


Well-Known Member
get either grain alcohol or high content rubbing alcohol(91%+). soak some bud, leaves, stems, whatever in that. your basically making green dragon. then jsut let the alcohol evaporate off and you will be left with hash oil. I assume this is what they are talking about


Active Member
I think you're supposed to roll the cigar with "fresh" leaves. Maybe not right off the branch but before they get too brittle, you know? Either way when I get around to doing this I'll be sure to post a writeup about it.


Active Member
get either grain alcohol or high content rubbing alcohol(91%+). soak some bud, leaves, stems, whatever in that. your basically making green dragon. then jsut let the alcohol evaporate off and you will be left with hash oil. I assume this is what they are talking about
Yeah, this is what I'm thinking of too.

Too much work. BONG!!!
lol, just cause you're a stoner does'nt mean you have to be lazy! :mrgreen: I smoke my bong everyday man, it gets old! Besides, can you imagine busting a couple of these bad boys out at a party?


Well-Known Member
well i was wandering you said a natural glue and i thought honey and honey is already used on cigars and everything so to get everything to stick to everything in the cannagares use just plain ole' honey instead of honey oil.....but the honey oil sure would give a much nicer of a buzz lol