List of Reasons You Don't Believe In God.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member

Why do so many people hate God and people who believe in God?​

coz its the biggest con since buy one get one free , and its time people stopped and thought about the nonsense they are being taught .and btw i dont hate god coz he dosent exist , i hate the idea of a god .
now be a good boy and stick to the meaning of the thread , ty


Well-Known Member
because people have a weak sense of enjoying existence and need to know something happens after they die instead of getting out and doing something in the world we have a limited time to because some book says some guys dies on a damn cross and we should all feel bad. its a need to be loved and a way to not feel like your as egotistically as fucked up as you really are, but in all reality, were all insane and we should just laugh about it instead of trying to go to church and say sorry and give some guy sitting on his ass 10 percent of our salary while he doesn't have to pay taxes to have his insane asylum for people with weak minds. the only scheme behind the idea of god is power, and looking up to a perfect being among all of us imperfect sinners.

dont submit to religion, its just another barrier keeping you from being curious as to what the real answers are.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
That's one of my big issues Sativa High. Either everyone is worshipping the same god but noone really knows anything whatsoever about any of it, or it's all just false worship and belief.

One of my vices against christians is that well, half of them don't even agree with their own bible and keep claiming it's open to interpretation. No, it said god made a woman from adams rib.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
That's one of my big issues Sativa High. Either everyone is worshipping the same god but noone really knows anything whatsoever about any of it, or it's all just false worship and belief.

One of my vices against christians is that well, half of them don't even agree with their own bible and keep claiming it's open to interpretation. No, it said god made a woman from adams rib.
exactly if its open to intepratation i could literaly interpratate it to mean absolutely ANYTHING i like .
and btw untill recently they did , agree with everything of the bible , its only recently that they have changed there ideas and are dismisssing the bible.its a flawed tactic .

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
exactly if its open to intepratation i could literaly interpratate it to mean absolutely ANYTHING i like .
and btw untill recently they did , agree with everything of the bible , its only recently that they have changed there ideas and are dismisssing the bible.
Because it's only recently that science and the likes have been able to prove things wrong :D Creationalists are a crazy bunch of fuckers.

The thing about interpreting the bible, is that as you say, key items can be interpreted to mean anything you like, except that a christian will tell you that your interpretation is incorrect and theirs is the correct one.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
sounds more like regular atheists then extreme creationists
That is not the response of extreme creationalists, just christians in general ;) nice attempt at a divert though :D

Athiests couldn't give a shit about the idea of interpretations really, it's a book with some pretty clear cut rules laid down by god that christians can't follow for shit :D fantastic work. I'm no christian and even i can keep sunday work free if i want to, it's not that hard.


Well-Known Member
the bible wasn't written by god but rather the so called jesus' followers. nobody knows when each one of the sections were written or anything, but it just basically has a bunch of rules of common sense and some other crazy bullshit or some story with an obvious analogy.
its for the simple minded, the youth, and the people who are scared of truth. they scare people into believing their idea, or instead theyll suffer in eternal fire or something. its sick and ruthless of people to still recite this shit.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Hehe, i always have a dig at christians when they mention how they like knowing they have god over their shoulder protecting them. Myself, well i'm just a real human being who can deal with what life throws their way. ever notice it's the weird loner kids with the invisible friends at school? :lol:

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
That is not the response of extreme creationalists, just christians in general ;) nice attempt at a divert though :D

Athiests couldn't give a shit about the idea of interpretations really, it's a book with some pretty clear cut rules laid down by god that christians can't follow for shit :D fantastic work. I'm no christian and even i can keep sunday work free if i want to, it's not that hard.
...the sabbath thing is discussion much larger than us here :) I've read much about how it is related to keeping a certain act sacred.


Well-Known Member
you got all the right iin the world to do as you wish man, aint nobody taking that away from you here right? Do you not understand that this dicotomy will always be even after your dead... who cares and why give so much fucking thought, like its gonna kill your entire family or something, well unless your a terrorist right

That is not the response of extreme creationalists, just christians in general ;) nice attempt at a divert though :D

Athiests couldn't give a shit about the idea of interpretations really, it's a book with some pretty clear cut rules laid down by god that christians can't follow for shit :D fantastic work. I'm no christian and even i can keep sunday work free if i want to, it's not that hard.


What about questioning belief itself, not whether there is, or is not a G(g)od. To say that you don't believe in G(g)od(s) (ess), or that you do is the same thing, either way you never go beyond belief to discover the actual. Isnt belief a symptom of a stagnant mind?


Well-Known Member
What about questioning belief itself, not whether there is, or is not a G(g)od. To say that you don't believe in G(g)od(s) (ess), or that you do is the same thing, either way you never go beyond belief to discover the actual. Isnt belief a symptom of a stagnant mind?
I agree with the first part, and this is a point we have come to in past threads. Believing there is a god requires a leap of faith. Believing there is no god also requires a leap of faith. Since absolutes are not a possibility, we must deal with probables. Nothing exists to make god probable beyond anecdotal information. We can find this same information about leprechauns and Bigfoot. So really this thread, to be a proper reflection of what we have all learned together here, should be called "List of reasons God is improbable".

As for belief being a symptom of a stagnate mind... I think some beliefs are a reflection of a stagnet view of the world, sure. But belief is not a unitary phenomenon. Generating beliefs about the world is a constant result of the human experience. Believing a proposition means trusting that it represents a state of reality. This is the central reason why we should inherently value justification, or evidence for the belief. A responsible intellectual does not have the luxury of simply throwing around beliefs and propositions without offering some sort of rationale. It is this standard that leads us to operate in a cohesive manner when we believe things like, Alaska is cold, rabies is a disease caused by microorganisms, and George Washington was president. Anyone who does feel entitled to make whatever claims they wish without merit should not be surprised when people eventually stop listening.