List of supplies needed please.


haha, thanks green, that means a lot!!!!
but you know, when you get a little obsessed with something, you can't help but learn all you can and help others, ya know?

its why we're all at this site

best of luck dominion


Well-Known Member
Oh, btw. Do you have any idea what type of strain my plant is?
leaves tell me that it has heavy indica gens to it, the stretch tells me either you did something wrong or the indica gens are fighting with some quiet equal strong sativa gens. now the last part i leave open to you to figure;)


Active Member
Yeah, I didnt keep the lights right above it. I had the likes like 5 feet above it when it was a baby, and that made it grow really tall and stretchy. I had to put a stick on it to keep it up. But hey, now it turned out as you see it now. so I didnt mess up to bad.