List of Things Christianity Has Made Worse

Hey there! I understand that everyone has different opinions and experiences with Christianity, but it's important to remember that not everyone shares the same perspective. While some people may feel that Christianity has made things worse, others may find comfort and positivity in their faith.
Self guilt
People's ability to be " Free-Thinkers "
Aggressive pan-handling
Birth control
False hope
Propagation of myths
The waste of time

I have pause, it's time for me to run our hounds . I'll be back ! There is so much more ground to cover ! This is like " shooting fish in a barrel!
Self guilt
People's ability to be " Free-Thinkers "
Aggressive pan-handling
Birth control
False hope
Propagation of myths
The waste of time

I have pause, it's time for me to run our hounds . I'll be back ! There is so much more ground to cover ! This is like " shooting fish in a barrel!
And wealthy televangelist aka snake-oil salesman
Things Christianity has made worse....Family
"Spare the rod, spoil the child"
To my parents meant "beat them with your fucking fishing poles", cane poles that is. Laquered, hardened, fucking cane poles. Think bruises and welts all over a child's rear end and legs, because it's what "god" wants.
I literally remember a pastor telling the whole congregation to "have sex with your dog" rather than masturbate, because that would be a sin. Any religion that brings a person to the point of thinking that makes any sense, is the enemy of sanity.
To each his own.....? WTF ever.
The churches should at least be taxed for the whole brainwashy death cult ego massaging mental illness their Christianity creates.
Well I read a few of these complaints and every one is actually defending a Christian virtue.
So there are people out there calling themselves Christians, who are not being very Christian.
And that is the only real complaint.

But the idea that the Christian Isaac Newton did anything else but virtually invent science,
is somehow lost on people. Only via the Christian ethic did science flourish.

But lets be clear.
Christ warned that many would carry his message falsely.

Are you really complaining about the Christian message on its own terms?
Or are you really bothered by the hypocrisy of false Christians?
Well I read a few of these complaints and every one is actually defending a Christian virtue.
So there are people out there calling themselves Christians, who are not being very Christian.
And that is the only real complaint.

But the idea that the Christian Isaac Newton did anything else but virtually invent science,
is somehow lost on people. Only via the Christian ethic did science flourish.

But lets be clear.
Christ warned that many would carry his message falsely.

Are you really complaining about the Christian message on its own terms?
Or are you really bothered by the hypocrisy of false Christians?
Don't forget the " Dark Ages " ! The Christians did a bang-up job !
Well I read a few of these complaints and every one is actually defending a Christian virtue.

No, people here are not defending christianity. You sir, are deluded.
Pretty typical of a christian to say truth is exactly opposite of what it actually is though, and then go on to give their religion credit for something it had nothing to do with, to try and prove an unproveable point through argument.
Why battle bro? This is obviously a part of the forum where you won't convert anyone, so why fight?
I can guarantee I'm as firm in what I believe as you are. Live and let live and let go.
Lets talk about Heaven and GOD..........

About 150,000 People die every day. Lets assume 100,000 of them are on the way to Heaven to meet GOD. Now, let's assume GOD talkes to everyone for 1 Min. so it takes him around 16666 hours which is about 695 Day's .............CAN YOU IMAGINE HOW LONG THE FUCKING LINE IS ALREADY ?????? The people who died in Hiroshima or Civil War for example are still waiting in Line...........