listen to this idiocy


Well-Known Member
The person who gets me weed was so lied to today, but he believed every word. My dealer's dealer told him that the bud he got today came from a MALE plant. Not only do I know this is wrong it is also impossible. I told my guy this and they said "but there are some male plants that produce bud." *shakes head* the only chance a male plant will produce bud is if it is a hermie. Even then the bud isn't "dank shit" as was described. I smoked this bud, and it's really good and there is no way it could have come from a male or hermie, there were hardly any seeds in this shit.



Well-Known Member
If it had seeds in it, there is a possibility it was a hermie plant. I agree 100% that NO males ever produced buds, lol. Dumb dealers!!!


Well-Known Member
that's stupid. last bit of bud i saw was packed full of seeds.... i almost tossed it in the trash. dealers tend to deal out of love of money and not love of weed - a good dealer will know their shit better than any buyer.


Well-Known Member
i had a male produce bud, and it had no seeds or pollen sacks....just like a female! crazy huh lol


Well-Known Member
you had a male plant that produced bud? That is like saying boys can have babies! It is not possible unless it's hermied.


Well-Known Member
that's stupid. last bit of bud i saw was packed full of seeds.... i almost tossed it in the trash. dealers tend to deal out of love of money and not love of weed - a good dealer will know their shit better than any buyer.
the dealer my dealer gets weed from thinks he knows ALOT. But no, I don't think he does. He mistakes reg for really good shit and vice versa. I don't know where he gets it but half the time it gets you high, but it tastes like shit. Mostly usually gives me a headache too. I can tell that it is usually over fertilized or it wasn't cured properly. shitty shit, one day I will be in a place where I can buy weed from qualified peoples....


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Maybe both those guys are just dumb as rocks and you can offer them gold sakajaweia coins and tell them they worth hundreds becuase they are gold and pay with those