Listen up Hydro Newbies . . .


Well-Known Member
I measure all i need to measure ;) I have not once said i measure nothing. You just carry on making things up :lol:
Hey, why don't you stop being such a troll? If the thread-starter feels good about his grow and his information, why don't you just leave it alone? I don't care if you measure, don't measure, eat manure for lunch, yet you still go on 'explaining' things to me as if I give a fuck what you do. A clear indication that you possess the mentality of a child that cannot grasp things around him.

I don't care. I would rather go without than smoke your weed.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
So if i advise all noobs to water their plants with batterty acid, so long as i'm happy with y adice it's fine advice to give :lol: haha

Him eing happy has nothing to do with the accuracy of the information :lol:
good for all you f-rs.. now cut the drama and smoke a bowl. get outside and do something. hahahhaah.. .ok ignore that im going outside now.


Well-Known Member
So if i advise all noobs to water their plants with batterty acid, so long as i'm happy with y adice it's fine advice to give :lol: haha

Him eing happy has nothing to do with the accuracy of the information :lol:
And that same stupid battery acid analogy of yours again. God, is this all you do all day? I feel like I have to look for your posts with incorrect information and correct them to at least help a little bit to keep the info on this site decent.

Damn, if you are giving advice to beginners, I hope for their sake they're not listening. I wouldn't take advice from anyone who writes like you if you were the only person on this site.

Man, almost 12,000 posts of your stupid nonsense? You are totally fucking up this website.


Well-Known Member
I'm not following this thread but for the record, I grow in DWC and do not use a meter, seldom if ever change the res water, throw food at them like they were pigeons, and go the whole grow without adjusting pH once, and I never check water temps.

For chrissake's people, they're weeds!

ps I get 2 oz cured bud per each of 6 NL plants under 400w hps - works for me
boy i'd hate to taste yours buds!!! lmao!!


Well-Known Member
The problem is now clear. You are an angry, drunkard of an Englishmen. Why don't you drink another pint and celebrate the Queen!!!
They have shit weed in the UK because they're all wankers who don't measure nutes or monitor ph... And they water their plants with battery acid.


Well-Known Member
No where did I state this was MY information. In fact, had you read the entire thread you would have seen where I clearly stated that I gathered this information from readily available and published sources and organized it in to a single source 'guide'.

I WELCOME any of you cock gobblers to bring your ass down here and grow hydro without a water chiller. With outside ambient air temps >95 degrees on a regular basis it is next to impossible. I tried. I failed. My res temps were easily 85+ degrees. Once I added the water chiller and dropped the res temps to 60-65 degrees . . . My problems with root rot, black slime and bacteria DISAPPEARED!!!

These 'rules' are what I used to be successful. My experiences may vary from yours. But at the end of the day THEY WORKED!!! I don't think a $350 investment was a waste to ensure my res temps stay below 70 degrees. COULD I have a successful grow without a chiller? Maybe. Probably. But I don't want FUC*ing guesswork. I want to know my temps are going to prevent problems. I don't want to worry or fuc* with frozen water bottles or using H2O2 or friggin' bleach to fight the microbes. The water chiller provides me with a plug it in and forget about it solution. It works. Admit it.

They are several ways to grow. I listed what I have found to work for me. It may not work for you!

How many of you fuc*'s have taken the time to type up/throw together a FAQ/Newbie document? YOU HAVEN'T!!! You spend all your time poo-poo ANYONE that tries to help.

This is the type of behavior that keeps others from contributing on this site. Do you think ANYONE will take their time to try and share information if you idiots are going to slam them? NO!

I promise you one thing . . . I won't contribute another damn thing to this forum. It's not worth it!!!
hey dawg you did great! dont worry about these jealous asses..
Yeah just read this entire thread and omfg... TTT and his cheerleader are retarded. It's absolutely vital that a first timer understand the importance of PH, temps, nutes and all that jazz. Why? because it's vital to the quality/quantity of your yield and that's it! The water chiller is something you add if you have the money, and obviously you broke mother f'rs have a problem with splurging on your garden. What does UK bud smoke like? Most likely schwagg based off the info these p00ns are posting. Big ups to Hydro for the post, Lordjin's posts have helped me out since I started and Im getting nothing but good results. These guys are doing it right, and you guys are hating like some back ally hookers. Peace.


Well-Known Member
Give me 8 weeks and I'll have another harvest in the jars. Regardless of the number of grows under my belt the information remains static. If I had stated this was my 47th grow does that now make my inaccurate information accurate?

Instead of stating you MUST use a water chiller, would SHOULD use a water chiller have been better?

We are arguing symantecs when we all know that using a water chiller is preferred by MANY growers to eliminate the problems I mentioned. This post wasn't about me or the number of grows under my belt. It was a post to help newbies get started. It is still solid advice and will get a newbie in the game and growing some good bud.

These RIU fuc*'s would rather argue subtle differences of opinion than contribute something positive to the forums.
Chillers are good shit. Also keep oxygen levels higher in your water if you can maintain an ideal temperature. This is going to promote better root growth and nutrient uptake. Less stress for the plants too. Overall a good thing. Not everyone needs one, depends where you live, but honestly I'd probably have one just in case. It can get hot anywhere. Not doing the hydro thing though at the moment.

Still, must is a little absolute for my tastes. But I definitely agree with most of your OP, except the seed part. Some of the best plants in the world came out of bag seed. I have found bag seed in some very nice plants. Still have it.


Active Member
good god man....why is everyone having a catfight here.......If you don't have anything productive to say....shut the hell up and MOVE ON....he's not holding a gun to your head telling you what to do....GOD DAMN you guys are worse than sober people.

OP: do your thing, whether it's good or bad and ignore the blabbers......just like the gnats that hover around some plants...stick some yellow sticky strips and ignore them.


New Member
Hydro i can appreciate the generalization...lil bitty ins and outs are always going to be there and there are always going to be people who have to criticize what they see...don't argue with em i'm pretty sure someone has gained something from the OP....