Little clones need help.


Well-Known Member
im growing 9 plants and 3 of them (pure skunk #1) are looking a little sick. the first week i had them about 18 inches away from the 400watt mh and now that theyre starting to curl and turn yellow ive raised it to 24". i fed them big bloom once theyre last watering. i dont know what to do, besides somehow testing the ph.


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Hi sorry to sorta steal the thread but i have some also looking exactly the same as your pics and going down hill pretty fast, so would be interested in any other opinions as i know my ph is right,, all i can think of for mine would be the potting mix is giving nute burn?

If it's good soil you shouldn't need nutes. You can keep your pH buffered and balanced by using dolomitic lime. Did you use a cloning gel?
If it's good soil you shouldn't need nutes. You can keep your pH buffered and balanced by using dolomitic lime. Did you use a cloning gel?

hey potpimp, I'm not a soil grower so I cannot really comment on soil-grown cannabis not needing any nutes. I thought the good soil only had enough nutes to sustain cannabis for the first 3 weeks of its life.

MY real question though is, why'd you ask about the cloning gel?

To both the first and second guy, post some pic's... although to me this sounds like an undernuting problem, caused by either a lack of nutrients or a pH imbalance.
anhedonia, I just looked at your pic's and it's a def nutrient deficiency, certainly nitrogen, maybe boron too. I doubt that in soil, you have a pH imbalance.. although it is still possible.

Your stems look very weak also.

What nutes, if any, have you been giving to the plants?
Looks to me like you have a major nitrogen deficiency. Also, I'm not too experience with alot of kinds of nutes, but isn't big bloom only for flowering? Probably not a lot of nitrogen in it if it is. If it is a nitrogen deficiency, you'll need to get some vegging nutes.
Theres a great book written by George Cervantes called Indoor Marijuana Bible. It has awesome pics and discuses specifics on all topics. I grow primarily in soil and always feed with mild fertilizers. I know a few experts that can grow in compost only and I bow to them. For the rest of us, feed with 1/2 strength fertilizer like peters 20-20-20. I use Shultz 10-9-6. Water first them give them a drink of diluted fert. The pics look like deficient nitrogen which is common and easily fixed. Plants don't need fertilizer with every watering. Hope this helps.
Looks to me like you have a major nitrogen deficiency. Also, I'm not too experience with alot of kinds of nutes, but isn't big bloom only for flowering? Probably not a lot of nitrogen in it if it is. If it is a nitrogen deficiency, you'll need to get some vegging nutes.

Excellent point, I didn't even notice what nutes he'd used. Big Bloom does sound like it should be a flowering nute.
Theres a great book written by George Cervantes called Indoor Marijuana Bible. It has awesome pics and discuses specifics on all topics. I grow primarily in soil and always feed with mild fertilizers. I know a few experts that can grow in compost only and I bow to them. For the rest of us, feed with 1/2 strength fertilizer like peters 20-20-20. I use Shultz 10-9-6. Water first them give them a drink of diluted fert. The pics look like deficient nitrogen which is common and easily fixed. Plants don't need fertilizer with every watering. Hope this helps.

20-20-20 is a little high in P&K for vegging plants, unless I'm mistaken. The NPK ratio should be around 20-5-5 for vegging shouldn't it?
Theres a great book written by George Cervantes called Indoor Marijuana Bible. It has awesome pics and discuses specifics on all topics. I grow primarily in soil and always feed with mild fertilizers. I know a few experts that can grow in compost only and I bow to them. For the rest of us, feed with 1/2 strength fertilizer like peters 20-20-20. I use Shultz 10-9-6. Water first them give them a drink of diluted fert. The pics look like deficient nitrogen which is common and easily fixed. Plants don't need fertilizer with every watering. Hope this helps.

Surely though, buying an ec/ppm meter would be better, and save the need to feed half-strength nutes. I also think that 20-20-20 is too high in 'P'... this can be dodgy and can lead to the plant not taking in other nutrients.

The shultz stuff also seems too low in K for veg, yet also too high in 'P'... are these the nutes Jorges recommends in his grow book?
Yup my thoughts exactly. I was thinkin more along the lines of 20-5-5 for veg tho.

I'd like to say fine, and in all likelyhood this ratio will be fine in as much as the plant will grow... but during veg', cannabis likes the N and K ratio to be almost equal, in other words cannabis will take in almost as much K as it does N during veg'.

This is why it is always better to buy nutes designed for cannabis.
It will also depend on what soil you are using ...

But that's still news to me Skunk. Maybe I'm getting mixed up on my nutes, but I've always seen and been told that for veg it should be around 20-5-5 but i'll take your word for it you've been helpful to me for well over a year now. Up until about the last few days, I'd begun to wonder if you were still around.
big bloom is .01-.3-.7 and the feeding chart says to use it every feeding. ive used it twice to water my plants which are in foxfarm ocean forest soil. the bottle says to start feeding at the peak of the vegatative cycle. i have some grow big which is 6-4-4 so maby i should start using that.
Are you sure big bloom is for veg, those are very low amounts of nutriets. Even the grow big you have is more suited for vegging.
It will also depend on what soil you are using ...

But that's still news to me Skunk. Maybe I'm getting mixed up on my nutes, but I've always seen and been told that for veg it should be around 20-5-5 but i'll take your word for it you've been helpful to me for well over a year now. Up until about the last few days, I'd begun to wonder if you were still around.

Maybe I'm wrong, I'm not a soil grower and I tend to ignore opportunities to learn about it.

I also go by the ratios used by advanced nutrients, all their products are designed for cannabis after extensive testing... maybe i'm just a sucker for the hype?

I'm always around, got a 15 post a day average over 17 months. I got nowhere else to go, lol.
big bloom is .01-.3-.7 and the feeding chart says to use it every feeding. ive used it twice to water my plants which are in foxfarm ocean forest soil. the bottle says to start feeding at the peak of the vegatative cycle. i have some grow big which is 6-4-4 so maby i should start using that.

When is the peak of the veg cycle? This can vary from grower to grower, and to follow those directions would not be good for the plant.

EC/PPM meters are cheap enough on ebay, around $40. Buy one of those and I'll be able to tell you the exact amount of nutes to use. Use the grow big for veg.

Also buy some more flowering nutes, something high in 'P', use the bloom as a supplement to the real flowering nutes.
use the grow big its for vegging and get a small bottle of superthrive. put a drop or two in your water it will help revive it.