little farm


New Member
Hello, our name is grasscutters and we are new here and also new to growing.

Can you give us few advices about growing?

Our situation is:
- we have a lot of seeds/fertilizers/water
- place where none goes, smell will disturb none, its in cellar (large area)
- we dont have to take care about electricity consumption, but we dont know which source of light should we use (we can have LEDs, IR and ordinary light bulbs, we will provide info later this week about this)
- we plan to grow seeds at 1x1m maybe more, we want to create some isolation box to save heat + fans to recirculate air
- it should be all automatic, we wont have much time to take care of it (maybe two times per month...), so switching of electricity/watering/some shit for humidity will be automatic - later maybe controlled by mobile app

What should we do?

Thanks for all replies
Welcome to RIU, your question is too broad. People could spend days just writing stuff you should know. My advice is read and read and read! Find a tutorial on how to get started (youtube) while you are going on with the grow you should ask questions based on your new plant. Cheers!


Well-Known Member
Everyone has their own way of doing things and everyone could tell you their stories. As stated, READ all you can before starting anything. Don't even ask questions (seriously no offense) but you can learn just about anything by searching this board. Good luck and happy growing! Welcome to the community!

edit: that was slightly rude, ask questions once you figure out your plan of attack; ie. soil, mutes, lights everything. Then get specific questions and opinions once you get a good grasp of the art and techniques!


New Member
My bad guys, sorry for that.
I am actually growing few plants but i want to move to bigger area but im still noob, anyway thank you guys. I will be back after some readings.
Its ok to be rude, mods can lock/delete.
My bad guys, sorry for that.
I am actually growing few plants but i want to move to bigger area but im still noob, anyway thank you guys. I will be back after some readings.
Its ok to be rude, mods can lock/delete.
No worries, im not saying you are being rude. Its just that I could spend hours here just trying to pass knowledge to you. But if I told you "hey I did not go to university, could you tell me all you have learned?" that would be hard to answer. Plus, if you learn enough from your reading you are the one who might be giving advice and at then end, that will show on your plant (s). I wish you luck! :weed:



Well-Known Member
Was me that I thought sounded rude so I added the edit. No one should ever tell people not to ask questions. They was my bad. Do some reading then ask all you want brothuh! Happy growing!


New Member

Im just testing my growing capabilities before ill start my project. However, my flowers has some wierd hole in its leaves. On other plants its barely visible but its there. Is it harmfull? Is it some kind of illness? It has lot of light and humidity.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
that could be a bug eating your plant....and you have some serious stretching, how far away is your light (and what kind of light do you have)


New Member
I saw several drosophila flies siting on it...
It is 60w light bulb and its 10cm away.

BTW They were unable to grow straight up, their stems were really weak so I had to support them, because they were just lying there. Now its quiet fine.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
when you say 60 watt light bulb...are you using a normal/typical incandescent light bulb or are you using a CFL bulb?

Typically with CFL, you should be with 1 or 2 inches. 10 cm (4 inches) is too far away, thus your plant is stretching for the light.

Your soil looks very black, a bit of perlite would have helped....but for now you have lots of space on the top, so add some soil/perlite up to near the top, this will help stabilze/secure the plant


Well-Known Member
make sure its an LED or CFL lightbulb, incandescent and halogen bulbs are useless for growing. (damn ISK beat me to it!)

if you see the color temperature a good temperature for vegetating is around 6000K, a good temperature for flowering is around 3500K.

also, a small oscillating fan not blowing directly at the plant but sometimes making it wiggle will help it strengthen the stem, allow the light a little closer, and help dry up the soil a little quicker and avoid the problems of having too wet of a media too long (breeding grounds)


New Member
Its typical lightbulb, now its 5cm away but im afraid it will burn the plant.
Ive cfl here, but it wont produce heat and heat is my biggest enemy right now (until I finish my exams). I filled it with more soil, tomorrow ill be getting some perlite and fan.

Thank you guys.