Little Green Dots On Leafs "PROBLEM???"


Well-Known Member
Get a 30x pocket microscope and check the undersides of your leaves bro. Until you do I am going with mites. That looks EXACTLY like spider mites to me. Classic signs of them feeding on the undersides of your leaves.
bro im going to say it for the last time i do have a 30x microscope and there is no mites and also no spots underneath the leafs there all on top why u think i posted this i know what mites are


New Member
bro im going to say it for the last time i do have a 30x microscope and there is no mites and also no spots underneath the leafs there all on top why u think i posted this i know what mites are
If you had mites you wouldn't have spots underneath your leaves "bro." They would be so small that you could barely see them with a 30x microscope. You'd literally have to search for them. Their larvae eat away at the bottom of the leaves making thin leaf walls that look like spots on top because more light is passing through them.

I know some of the guys who have posted on this thread before me and said they think it is mites. They are really experienced growers. I've had mites a few times and that's EXACTLY what it looks like. You never mentioned if you had looked under the leaves once in this entire thread. You never said if you had a microscope or used one once in this thread. I think it's pretty fair to ask you if you have considering you aren't that experienced of a grower. You wanna be a douche about me trying to help out by asking pertinent questions then best of luck to you. My money says that you'll be posting a thread in about 10 days based on what I see. Title of that thread will be something like: "what are these webs on my plants."


Well-Known Member
If you had mites you wouldn't have spots underneath your leaves "bro." They would be so small that you could barely see them with a 30x microscope. You'd literally have to search for them. Their larvae eat away at the bottom of the leaves making thin leaf walls that look like spots on top because more light is passing through them.

I know some of the guys who have posted on this thread before me and said they think it is mites. They are really experienced growers. I've had mites a few times and that's EXACTLY what it looks like. You never mentioned if you had looked under the leaves once in this entire thread. You never said if you had a microscope or used one once in this thread. I think it's pretty fair to ask you if you have considering you aren't that experienced of a grower. You wanna be a douche about me trying to help out by asking pertinent questions then best of luck to you. My money says that you'll be posting a thread in about 10 days based on what I see. Title of that thread will be something like: "what are these webs on my plants."
ok i understand .. but i honestly didnt see any mites even on my others that are in 40days of flower if they are mites and i just cant find them or see them i need to try somthing so what would be your best opinion? sorry about being a "douche" i just really cant see mites but if there so small even with the 30xmicroscope your prolly right i cant see them..... what should i get to kill them sorry and thanks


New Member
ok i understand .. but i honestly didnt see any mites even on my others that are in 40days of flower if they are mites and i just cant find them or see them i need to try somthing so what would be your best opinion? sorry about being a "douche" i just really cant see mites but if there so small even with the 30xmicroscope your prolly right i cant see them..... what should i get to kill them sorry and thanks
It could be a couple things. Try this first and see if it helps.

It could be a calcium deficiency. Try mixing in Cal/Mag with your next watering or using a nutrient or booster that you already have that is rich in Calcium. Also, it could be a Magnesium burn from your soil. Find a fert or supplement with high levels of Manganese and foliar spray your plants. Take them away from any direct light for an hour or so till the water droplets evaporate. You should see a change within 2-3 days from doing this. If nothing changes then I don't know what it is. I'd be real interested.

If you find spider mites then buy Neem Oil from the hydro store. Follow the directions on the bottle and spray your entire plant. Underneath and on top. Really soak it. Spray once a week through the first or second week of flower. If it is spider mites then the spots will go away within a few days. Good idea to spray Neem anyway cause it prevents problems like mold, powdery mildew, and other pests.

Good luck


New Member
I think its a ph issue my guess is your ph raised on you. you said you have a 6 gal res i would ph that water. add your nutrients and then adjust it because a lot of nutrients will drop your ph. try to get it 5.8 to 6 let it drift from 5.8 to 6.3 no higher..


New Member
I think its a ph issue my guess is your ph raised on you. you said you have a 6 gal res i would ph that water. add your nutrients and then adjust it because a lot of nutrients will drop your ph. try to get it 5.8 to 6 let it drift from 5.8 to 6.3 no higher..
If you are growing hydro then don't let your pH get above 5.8 if you can help it. 6.3 is entirely too high.


Well-Known Member
that does not look like spider mite damage.
i keep my ph level at 5.8 i use the bluelab monitor no it cant be a ph problem i thought it was a mg problem when this first started but its not the only thing it could be in spider mites im going to my hydroponic store tomorrow and buy somthing for mites try it and hopfully it works what if mites travel to my garden that is 40 days into flowering ?? can they stil be killed


Well-Known Member
up the micro nutes, if the new growth after a week still looks like this, then its BUGS. that simple.


Well-Known Member
run-off is not a accurate indicator of soil ph. test the soil directly. soil buffers water, not the other way around.......